“Now consider how great this man was, unto whom even the patriarch Abraham gave the tent of the spoils.”

Hebrews 7:4

Even when you feel you’re a “nobody from nowhere,” just remember how God used this one called Melchizedek.

“Without father, mother, descent, having neither beginning of days nor end of life.”

That’s the way the anonymous author of Hebrews described this one who mysteriously appeared when Abraham was returning from having rescued his nephew, Lot, from his captors (Gen. 14:17-24).

Does that mean this one, whose very name means “King of Righteousness,” didn’t have a father, mother, lineage, no birth or death?

No, not at all—for he was human just like us.

It simply means there’s no record of any of those things other than what Moses recorded in the Genesis story.  And, it’s because of this “Melchizedek Mystery” that Jesus was qualified to be God’s “greater than High Priest,” even though He was from the tribe of Judah, not Levi.

We know that Melchizedek was King of Salem, that ancient Jebusite city once known as Jebus, which David captured and which later became known as Jerusalem—Judah’s capital city, also known as “The City of Peace.”

What’s also interesting is that he was called “the priest of El-Elyon, the Most High God” (Gen. 14:18).  And, he recognized Abram as the servant of “the Most High God, Possessor of Heaven and earth” (v.19).

Why he brought bread and wine out to Abram is not known (Gen. 14:18); however, we should see it as more than just refreshments for those who are weary in their journey.

It was truly a time of communion between two saints of God!

And, isn’t this a beautiful picture of how the Lord Jesus Christ meets us where we are and desires to fellowship with us?  Glory!!

Yes, Melchizedek was a “nobody from nowhere,” even though he was the priestly-king of the city that would later become known as “The City of David.”

And, because of Abram’s paying him tithes from the spoils of war, he became the fitting representative for Jesus’ earthly priesthood, even though he didn’t meet the Jews’ qualifications for a priest (Heb. 7:2, 4-10).

Dear Pilgrim, too often we may find ourselves feeling a bit envious of those whose names are always in lights. . .whose books are always best-sellers. . .whose musical recordings always soar to the top of the charts, etc.

But, do not forget Melchizedek and the significant role he played in Christ’s earthly ministry.  As the Gospel song says, “In the harvest fields now ripening, There’s a work for all to do.  Hark the Voice of God is calling, To the work He’s calling you.  Little is much when God is in it, Labor not for wealth or fame.  There’s a crown and you can win it, If you’ll go in Jesus’ Name.”  Amen and amen.

By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated February 12, 2011

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