I Lift My Hands By Chris Tomlin was released under the And If Our God album. It’s a Christian worship song that can catch the attention of the hearers.

Some of the well known songs of Chris Tomlin are:

I Will Follow
– Which has been number 2 of the top Christian music.

Your Grace Is Enough – Whose popularity as Christian worship song is continuously increasing.

Our God Is Greater
– This song becomes the number one in Billboard Christian Category last August 2010

I will be posting more of his songs later.

I Lift My Hands

By Christ Tomlin

Chords: From www.Ultimate-Guitar.com


G         C9
Be still, there is a healer
Em7       C9
His love is deeper than the sea
G         C9
His mercy is unfailing
Em7       C9
His arms, a fortress for the weak


Let Faith Arise
C9           D
Let Faith Arise


I Lift My Hands to believe again
G             C9
You are my Refuge, you are my strength
C9               Em7
As I Pour out my heart, these things I remember
Em7      C9
You are Faithful God forever


G                    C9
Be Still, there is a river
Em7                  C9
That flows from Calvary's Tree
G                    C9
A Fountain for the thirsty
Em7                  C9
His Grace, that washes over me


G                           C9
Let Faith Arise (2x), Open My Eyes (2x)

*Be sure to end on D and go back to chorus.

More About And If Our God Album of Chris Tomlin

CD44848: And If Our God Is For Us CD And If Our God Is For Us CD 

By Chris Tomlin / sixstepsrecords

Award-winning singer, songwriter, and worship leader Chris Tomlin longs to make music that helps you connect to the heart of Jesus and voice your praise of him. This follow-up album to his gold-selling Hello, Love continues to move believers toward a God worthy of our honor and adoration. Includes “I Will Follow,” “No Chains on Me,” and more.

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