Church planting is not easy, yet it is not complicated to understand. If you understand the basic principles of planting churches, then it shouldn’t be that hard. However, the keys in planting churches is perseverance and dependency to God accompanied by these ten step formula.


Imparting vision to your church. Share the vision of church planting to your very own church. It is very important that the church itself is convinced that they need to work and exert some efforts in planting churches.


Mobilize a team. Don’t do it alone. Going out alone in the field will burn you out easily. Aside from that, a cost effective approach to church planting is not based on how many you are but how much each member contribute as an effort for planting churches.


Set goals and write plans. No battle is without plan. Effective planning can lead you through victories, but a careless and no plan fight can lead you defeat. Successful conquerors always have a plan. And God’s soldiers is not an exemption. If you want to win the spiritual battle, then you need to have spiritual plans. Be sure to put your plan into writing. This will help you in future church planting efforts.


Make contacts. This is were you go to your target barangay, become a friend to the people there. Offer help if it is possible, or why not conduct a medical mission or something. It is best if you will give time contacting the community leader and be friend to him as well. Another effective approach is what we call, “wholistic approach”. It is where you study what the community really needs, like jobs, or irrigation, or anything that will help the whole community. This will always draw people to come and join your efforts and if done well, can be a good way to have them as your Bible study contacts.


Start outreach Bible Studies. Outreach Bible Studies is a very simple approach of leading a Bible study. In our own experience, we conduct an 8 meeting Bible study program using the book of Ephesians. This is a proven approach in Bible study leading. But let us focus in starting your own Bible study. You will find it hard to have people to accept the Lord without giving them a Bible study. It’s like selling a product. You need to get your target market listen to you while you demo its benefits.


Nurture the new believers. Most church planting efforts fail at this one. In fact, I failed in this part the first time I engaged myself in planting churches. Know that just like a child, new believers need spiritual milk food and feeding. If you just stop in outreach Bible study, their chances of survival in their spiritual walk is much lesser compared to those whom you nurtured.


Form a fellowship. Once the group of new believers become more mature and stronger Christians, then it is time to have them form the regular fellowship. This is where they will grow, continue in their Bible study where your main topic now is all about Christian growth and living. This will encourage them accountability and they will learn much more in this one. You can count this as the “toddler stage” of their spiritual growth.


Continue nurture and outreach. Don’t stop nurturing and teaching them. Don’t stop looking for Bible study contact, and definitely don’t stop leading people to Christ. If possible, have the new believers to help you as well in making contacts. You will just be surprised that they can have more contacts than you.


Formally organize a new church. If you see that it is already mature enough to have formally organize a church, then so be it. Have that fellowship be upgraded into a church. Educate them about the role of the church and its difference from an ordinary fellowship. Teach them to lead in the church. This will encourage them to study more about the Bible.


(Source: Bayanihan Church Planting by David White)

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