Do you feel sick and tired of going to church? Do you feel like after all these years you are still there where you stand, no ministry, no commitment, no nothing? Do you still feel empty and don’t know exactly where you are in your spiritual life? Haven’t you found what you are looking for after 2, 3, 4 church transfers you did?

Read: “6 Foolproof Ways To Improve Your Spiritual Life As Christians

Many Christians are lost. Many Christians feel empty. Many feel betrayed; many feel unfed by the spiritual food, many feel unwanted, but the big question remains, WHY?

Devotional material about Stunted Growth. 

Spiritual DrynessIn our daily walk in the Lord, there is a part where everything seems so smooth while there is also a part where everything is rough. But that’s just a part of life. No one in this world who lived a sorrow-free life except those who were born to have that gift, but for normal people like you and me, life is just like that. Sometimes it’s rough while sometimes it’s smooth.

Why? Why? Why?

It’s easy to blame others when we are spiritually down. It’s easy to pinpoint the pastor, the leader, fellow members and all other people in the church as the main reason, why we are spiritually down. But is it really the reason why?

Have we done the most important thing to solve our spiritual dryness? “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28).

Real Reasons of Spiritual Dryness

1. Lack of Prayer – It’s always easy to say, “I am praying.” If you are setting aside to pray, that’s good but it is also important to set a time to pray with some other people around you. In the book of Acts, Christians gather together to pray corporately and the power of God was shown to other people.  When you pray, it is also easier to read the Bible. And if you can reflect on the Bible well and you pray, you can overcome temptations.

2. Lack of Church Involvement – If it is hard for you to pray, it will be harder for you to be involve in a ministry. Praying is simply talking to the Lord while ministry is putting into action what God told you to do. So if you can’t even join the corporate prayer, how can you become an effective minister? And since you are not involved in the church, you do not know what is happening inside the church. Worst, it’s hard to find encouragement from other people simply because members in the church just know you by name, and not by relationship.

3. Lack of Commitment – The idea of the church is “family” of believers; it is more than just a community of believers.  If you don’t have a commitment to be a part of the community, then, you will really feel that you are not a part of the family. A real member of the family does have commitment to help each other, have commitment to be with each other through thick and thin. It is the same thing with the church.

4. Church Hopping – Church hopping is attending one church to another within a particular area. This is tolerable if you are still new in the place and you are still weighing where you want to commit, but this is not good if you live in that particular area for a long time and still you do not have a permanent church where you can commit yourselves for the works of service in the Lord. Church hoppers find it hard to grow spiritually because they can’t involve themselves in a ministry.

5. Pessimistic Attitude – Pessimism will only lead you to have spiritual dryness. It burdens you with problems, with discouragements that you see inside the church, with the critical attitude that leads you to be cold hearted to other individuals that you may not like. When Jesus say give grace, you give tolerance, when Jesus said help, you give obligation. All you see are the worst things inside the church even if there are lots of nice things in it.

Is there anything else that makes you spiritually dry? Share it!!!

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