“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:10
When He saves us, as someone says, “He puts your picture on His refrigerator door;” He also wants to show you off to the world as one of His prized possessions.
An heirloom.
Most folks know what one is. And, some of you reading these words even have one that’s been passed down from one generation to another. Perhaps it’s a set of fine china. Or, it might be a beautiful broach or diamond ring. Or, maybe an antique firearm, chair or sewing machine.
But, the fact remains it’s both precious and priceless to you.
Maybe not because of its value on the auction block—but because of the one who gave it to you and your desire to cherish it and later pass it on.
In many ways, that’s somewhat the meaning of the Greek word “poiema” used here for “workmanship.” Although often translated “a product, fabric, etc.,” some have likened it unto a showpiece prominently displayed upon one’s fireplace mantle.
Thus, when we read today’s Manna with that thought in mind, it takes on a whole new meaning: “For we are an example of God’s creative handiwork or exquisite ability.” Or, another way to view it would be the transformation of gold ore into 24-karat status or a freshly-mined diamond into a priceless gem. Both are defiled and useless in their original condition; however, in the hands of skilled artisans they become collector’s items.
And, so it is when we become “trophies of God’s Grace.”
In our fallen, sinful condition all of our “works of righteousness are as filthy rags in His sight” (Is. 64:6). Simply put, we are stinking, stained, soiled, saturated rags “without hope and without God in this world” (Eph. 2:12).
“But God, Who is rich in Mercy, for His great Love wherewith He loved us—even when we were dead in sins—has quickened us together with Christ and raised us together and made us sit together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus” (Eph. 2:4-6). Hallelujah!! And, through the miracle of the new birth we are transformed (from the inside out) by His Grace and become living proof of His power to “save to the uttermost” (II Cor. 5:17; Heb. 7:25). Glory!!
The key is this transformation is our surrender to His Potter’s touch. He has “created us in Christ Jesus unto good works”. . .not half-hearted, mediocre works. . .or “just getting by” works that fall short of His “mark of excellence” (Phil. 3:14; Rev. 3:15-16). Like Job, He wants to say to the devil and the world, “Have you considered my servant, __________, that he/she’s one-of-a-kind here on earth who fears me and hates evil?” (Job 1:8).
Although our place in His eternal Plan may not seem as important as that of Biblical saints or even some in our generation, we still are “HIS workmanship, created (anew) in Christ Jesus unto good works, which He has before ordained (Grk. ‘proetoimazo’—‘to fit up or prepare in advance, make ready, etc.’) that we should walk in them.” May we not disappoint Him.
By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated January 6, 2010