It’s Time to Grow, It’s Time to Be a Disciple and To Be a Discipler
In this site, you will learn:
- How to continue being fruitful.
- Learn how to make a sermon
- Learn how to preach
- and Learn how to lead a Bible study.
Want to Learn How to Make a Sermon?
Hi I’m Ptr. Vince. I’ve been a pastor for more than 11 years. I graduated in Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary in 2006 finishing Master of Divinity.
From that time on, I served the Lighthouse Christian Ministry in Ormoc City. By the grace of God, I’ve been engage in training, Bible study leading, and other related ministries in pastoral.
Currently, apart from pastoring the Lighthouse Christian Ministry, I’m also serving as the National Director of Partners in Evangelism International (PIEI) – Philippines. It’s a mission organization whose aim is to plant Churches by strategically helping local (national) pastors in particular country.
I’m is also the current Moderator of Leyte and Samar Southern Baptist Association (LASBC), an association of Southern Baptist Churches in Leyte-Samar area.
In 2009, I started The Disciplers website as my expression of my experiences and rumblings in the ministry. This also became an avenue in expanding bigger audience for the ministry.
I’m also actively engage in Church planting efforts here in Leyte. In 2014, together with my father, we planted Lighthouse Christian Ministry – Tacloban. And since March 2017, I’ve been supporting a Church planting effort in the town of Merida, Leyte.
The Discipler ministry is designed to help
The Disciplers was launched with the goal of providing free (if not the cheapest) digital resources, pastoral support, advice, and counseling to Christian ministers. The main purpose of this site is to work hand in hand, and strengthening the brotherhood of ministers around the globe.
The Disciplers aim to provide practical and strategic information in running churches and various ministries. With the help of our fellow pastors and colleagues who have been by experience successful in their ministries, we can assure you that the methods and strategies may help you running your respective ministries.
The Disciplers also has a positive view in dominating the net with godly things and divert the attention of the people to God rather than to sins. We desire to influence the readers about Biblical teachings and not with traditions and myths. (Please see our Statement of Faith)
The Disciplers is a group of people who believe and live on Matthew 28:19-20.
The Disciplers believe that everybody can be a Discipler.