Ganns Deen is one of the prominent Filipino Christiann Blogger over the net. And I really find his posts very helpful and inspiring.
This morning, as I am browsing his site, the Filipino Christian Blogger, I have found this great video as he sings in rap the Amazing Grace. May I also encourage the young people of this generation who loves music raps, that you rap for the Lord and not for the world.
May you find this song beautiful to hear and inspiring. What a very creative man. Congrats Ganns!!!
You can visit his site here:Â
Hello PVince,
Thank you for posting my “Amazing Grace” video on It’s an honor and a privilege.
It is my hope that, even as I work towards making more relevant Christian music, God’s Name will be glorified and we will continue to make inroads in the world, so thank you for your support and encouragement.
God superbless your ministry,
ganns 🙂
.-= ganns´s last blog ..Cynthia Alexander releases phenomenal live set =-.