Arise, My Love by Michael Card comes only with lyrics, but this is my favorite love song. This has been one of the main songs that was sung at my wedding. The song was actually taken from the book of Songs of Solomon.

I tried searching on the net for its chords. However, I cannot find the its chords. It doesn’t have a good youtube video clip either. So I just posted here the lyrics and at least you will hear the music. Many you enjoy this Christian love song.

And if ever you know the chords or at least willing to work for the chords of this song, I would appreciate if you will send me a copy of its chords so that others may be able to know it as well.

Arise, My Love` Michael Card

Arise, my love, my lovely one come,
Winter is past and the rains are gone.
The flowers appear, it`s the season of song,
My beautiful one, arise and come with me.

Who is it that appears like the dawn?
As fair as the moon, as bright as the sun?
Show me your face, let me hear your voice.
My beautiful one, arise and come with me.

Set me like a seal on your heart,
For love is unyielding as the grave.
The flash of it is a jealous fire,
No flood can quench,
For love is as strong as death.

Arise my love and come with me
Before the dawn breaks and the shadows flee.
You ravished my heart with just one glance
My beautiful one, arise and come with me.

Do not arouse or awaken love
Until it so desires.

Arise, my love, my lovely one come,
The Winter is past and the rains are gone.
The flowers appear, it`s season of song,
My beautiful one, arise and come with me.

I am my love`s, my beloved is mine.
Arise and come with me

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