by Vince Olaer | Children's Ministry, Discipline, Morality/Immorality, Primary, Reviews
Use Porn Blocker to Block Websites To Protect Your Family! You need to block websites, at least those that are unhealthy for your family. Are you concerned about unsolicited Internet Pornography and adult content slipping through the cracks and ending up on your PC?...
by Vince Olaer | Children's Ministry, Evangelism, Missions
Gospel (Christian) Bracelets Are Also Known As Salvation Bracelets and Gospel Bracelets In my article 3 Proven Biblical Tips That Improves Bible Reading, I mentioned about the Christian bracelets. They are also known as salvation bracelets and gospel bracelets. They...
by Vince Olaer | Children's Ministry, Featured, Story telling
Vacation Bible School (VBS) 2010 is still up. If you haven’t done Vacation Bible School yet, it is not too late. Materials are still available and some are still about to be issued. So I decided to list the best materials that you can get for huge discounts....
by Vince Olaer | Children's Ministry, Story telling
Today’s story is all about the time when Adam and Eve was driven out of the garden. This includes how God talked to them and gave the due penalty for their sins and then later on, sending them out of the garden to labor. Text: Genesis 3:8-24 Gen 3:8 And they...
by Vince Olaer | Children's Ministry, Story telling
Stories are really great source of godly virtues. They are not only for kids but also for adults. See below and see how deep are the things that we can learn from the passage. And I hope we will also love to hear and learn Bible stories. This is the story when Eve was...
by oggie | Children's Ministry, Morality/Immorality, Pastoral
This monthly column is my gift to you, a faithful servant in ministry. As a co-laborer in Christ, I want to encourage you to care of your own soul, to take time to nurture your relationship with God through spiritual practices. We regularly reflect in this space on...