by Vince Olaer | Eschatology, Theology
May 21, 2011 predicted Judgment Day failed. Some members are probably now disbanding from the group of Harold Camping for its false date setting of the second coming and rapture. But for preacher Harold, it is not enough to fail… he can try again. In an...
by Vince Olaer | Eschatology, Evangelism, Pastoral, Theology
Harold Camping, a religious leader who predicted that the end of times will happen on May 21, 2011 failed. This is the summary of all his issues on the end of times. The religious group right now is facing a catastrophic ridicules and branding for the failed prophecy...
by Vince Olaer | Eschatology, Sermon Outlines
Perhaps some of you is still pondering of how are we going to be resurrected. I even heard that some does not even want to be cremated so that (according to them) when Christ comes back, his body will still be complete and not just a bunch of dusts and ashes. Our...
by Vince Olaer | Doctrines and Theology, Eschatology, Sermon Outlines, Theology
Now we have come to the point that Paul is describing what will it be in the resurrection of those who have fallen asleep. The next series of verses is about the end of the age. Let us talk about the sequence of Christ’s second coming. Christ will return (v.23)...
by Vince Olaer | Doctrines and Theology, Eschatology, Pastoral, Sermon Outlines, Theology
Most Common False Prophecies In our world today, there are many false prophecies and false prophets. This part two of the Gifts of The Holy Spirit Series will tell you the most common false prophecies that until now many people get into being scammed. I hope this...
by Vince Olaer | Devotionals, Eschatology, Morning Manna
“But who may abide the Day of His coming? And, who shall stand when He appears?. . .” Malachi 3:2a To those who refuse to repent, He will not be the rejoicing Father; He will be the Righteous Judge. Doomsday prophets. That’s what those who preach like Malachi are...