by Vince Olaer | Featured, For Pastors Only, Free SS Materials, FREEBIES, Primary
If you are having a hard time finding free discipleship tools and materials, then this is your blessed day. Below are 5 great free sources of discipleship tools and materials that can certainly help your church. The Disciplers – Well, I will not be bragging about this...
by Vince Olaer | Featured, FREEBIES
Electronic Bible Tools Is Taking Over Our Library Bible Softwares are getting its way to take over our own personal library of Bible tools. It has already been proven that today, electronic Bible tools are becoming more useful than those printed ones. Electronic Bible...
by Vince Olaer | FREEBIES
With the great desire to serve you better, I am happy to announce to you that The Disciplers’ “TOOL BAR” is now available, waiting for you to download and install. This toolbar is highly customized for the use of a discipler, minister, Bible...
by Vince Olaer | Featured, FREEBIES, Reviews
The Word Is Taking Over The FREE Bible Softwares In my previous post about FREE Bible Softwares, I presented there three Bible Softwares which are totally free namely: E-sword, Bible Times, and The Sword Project. A past few days ago, a man commented on the bottom of...
by Vince Olaer | Featured, For Pastors Only, FREEBIES
Ministry Website For Your Church and Ministry For a couple of weeks now, I haven’t updated “The Disicplers” that much except the daily devotional “Morning Manna”. This is because I have been working on a project website, the home of the Morning Manna. It’s...
by Vince Olaer | FREEBIES, Illustration, Practical Jokes
Who Do You Say He Is? If I told you to pull out a piece of paper and write on it who you say Jesus is what would you write? We all have some answer; we all have some images of Jesus. Some of them are the images we learned as children in Sunday school which have proved...