by Vince Olaer | Doctrines and Theology, Featured, Morality/Immorality, Pastoral, Primary, Theology
Divorce in the Philippines is planning to take over Filipino values and culture. It’s all over the news, the Philippine Congress is now pushing forward the Divorce Bill right after they have put forward the Reproductive Health Bill. This is exactly what I have...
by Vince Olaer | Children's Ministry, Discipline, Morality/Immorality, Primary, Reviews
Use Porn Blocker to Block Websites To Protect Your Family! You need to block websites, at least those that are unhealthy for your family. Are you concerned about unsolicited Internet Pornography and adult content slipping through the cracks and ending up on your PC?...
by Vince Olaer | Featured, Pastoral, Primary
Goodbye 2010 and Welcome 2011!!! It’s time to make some changes within our Church. Trying and implementing new things in your church this 2011 wouldn’t be bad at all. Try to consider these few things: Make Evangelism Efforts Systematic If the evangelism...
by Vince Olaer | Featured, Primary, Sermon Outlines
Yesterday, I delivered a devotional sermon based on John 4:1-15. It’s the story of Jesus with the Samaritan woman in the well of Jacob in Samaria. The story talks about the spiritual water that we can find in our Lord Jesus Christ that whoever partakes it will...
by Vince Olaer | Discipline, Featured, For Pastors Only, Pastoral, Primary
Improving Bible Reading Habit Do you have a poor habit of reading your Bible? You know it’s right to read your Bible but you just feel it’s boring to do it. And no matter how much you encourage your children to read their Bibles, they just won’t do...