“Then Jesus turned and saw them following and said unto them, ‘What are you seeking?’ They said unto Him, ‘Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted, Master), where do You dwell?’ He said unto them, ‘Come and see’. . .”
John 4:38-39a
The Invitation is always there; the question is whether or not we’ll respond.
Anytime in the Bible we see the Lord asking someone a question we must remember it’s always for the listener’s benefit, not His. He is omniscient and already knows everything about us (Heb. 4:12). Just as He asked “Adam, where are you?” that day in the Garden (Gen. 3:9)—already knowing he was hiding in the bushes, covered with his hastily-made, flimsy fig-leaf garment—so does He ask us from time-to-time “Where are you? Why are you doing what you’re doing? What do you need from Me?,” etc.
That was certainly the case that day when two of John the Baptist’s disciples saw Him pointing to Jesus and saying “Behold, the Lamb of God!” (vv.35-36). It’s safe in assuming they followed more out of curiosity than commitment; yet, the fact they wanted to know more about Him, where He lived, etc., reveals the Lord’s alluring Power in our lives.
Even now we can hear them asking, “Rabbi, where do You live?”
Maybe they were curious to see what type of house He lived in or how many horses His chariot had. Regardless, He whetted their appetites even further by simply responding “Come and see.” Soon, Philip would use that same line when he told Nathaniel “We have found Him of Whom Moses and the prophets did write—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph” (vv.45-46).
Nathanael, who was a deep thinker and avid student of the Word (the Old Testament), was skeptical at first, asking “Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?” (v.46a). He knew that small city was Nowheresville and of no real significance in the religious and national life of Israel. In fact, it had a rather bad reputation in morals and religion and was also known for its crude, Galilean dialect.
That’s why Philip’s response was perfect: “Come and see.”
How much better we’d be if we’d let Jesus’ words and dealings with others guide us in our dealings with others.
Thankfully, Nathaniel did go and see. And what an impact his first encounter with Jesus would have (vv.47-51)! Glory!!
Too often we feel like it’s up to us to come up with answers when others ask us tough questions like “Who did Cain marry?” or “Why does God allow suffering?” But, so often the best answer is “I don’t know, but I’ll find out”—and then to move quickly to “But, let me tell you something I do know!” (Jn. 9:25).
Never forget even the cockiest, most conceited person we’ve ever met still is “without hope” if they’re “without God” in their lives (Eph. 2:12). They may seem to be “on top of their game”. . .in need of nothing or no one. . .but, the fact remains there’s a “God-shaped hole” in their heart that only He can fill. Therefore, always “be ready to an answer for the reason you have hope to those who ask” (I Pet. 3:15). And, so often, that’s simply saying “Come and see.”
By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated January 31, 2010