“Let us, therefore, come boldly unto the Throne of Grace, that we may obtain Mercy and find Grace to help in time of need.”

Hebrews 4:16

You don’t have to knock and ask permission; it’s already been given and the One inviting says “Come on in.”

“Let us therefore, come boldly.”

Notice it didn’t say timidly. . .hesitantly. . .or fearfully.  It said “boldly” (Grk. “parrhesia”—“all out-spokenness, frankness, confident assurance, freely, openly, plainly, etc.”).  We are invited to come just as we are, knowing the One Who invites us already knows everything about us, but still desires for us to “draw near” (James 4:8; Mt. 11:28-30).

“Unto the Throne of Grace.”

A picture of a sovereign king and one of his subjects.  Even now we can envision the king sitting on the royal throne, his beautiful, majestic, finely-tailored and richly-colored robe reaching down to the floor.  Like Esther, who was fearful of drawing near to King Xerxes (without an invitation), so do we too often tremble and shrink back in fear/guilt even though His royal scepter has been extended unto us.

But, let us remember that the word “Grace” is engraved in royal, red letters on this Throne.  Perhaps it’s at the top of the Throne, prominently displayed, so all can see.  And, right underneath this precious words are the equally-wonderful words of “Whosoever will may come.”

“That we may obtain Mercy and find Grace.”

We know Mercy is not getting what we deserve, while Grace is getting what we don’t deserve.  But, how wonderful to know that both of these—which, in reality, are inseparable—are both found in Christ.  Interestingly, two different action verbs are used here:  “Obtain” (Grk. “lambano”—“take hold of, grasp, receive, accept, etc.”) and “find” (Grk. “heurisko”—“get, perceive, see etc.”).

Is this important?  Assuredly so!  One (Mercy) shields us, while the other (Grace) in-fills us.  Hallelujah!!  One stays His Hand of justice while the other extends His Hand of unearnable Love.  And, to think:  They’re both available in the Throne Room of Heaven!  Glory!!

“In time of need.”

When is that?


Tomorrow.  Next week.  Next month.  Next year.  Right now.

Whenever there’s a need.

When your child is sick.  When your car’s in need of repair.  When your heart’s heavy over a wayward loved one.  When you’re guilt-ridden over past or presents sins.  When you’re fearful over unknown dangers.

Just come.  Come as you are.  Come boldly.  Come believing.  The One with nail-scars in His Hands has invited you and even now is praying for you (Rom. 8:26; Heb. 7:24-25).  Don’t hesitate.  Cry out to Him as a frightened child in the night would to his loving father.  He’s listening.

By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated January 12, 2010

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