“. . .that you, being rooted and grounded in Love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height—and to know the Love of Christ, which passes knowledge. . .”
Ephesians 3:17b-19a
It matters not where we go or what we encounter; He’s still there to comfort and to cheer.
“That you may be able to comprehend.”
Unless we realize the Greek word “katalambano” is used here for “comprehend” and also means “to take eagerly, seize, possess, perceive, lay hold on, etc.,” we’ll likely view it as our trying to figure it all out or mentally get a grasp on it. But, knowing it’s a somewhat militant, proactive term for “taking possession of,” it takes on a whole new meaning.
By “being rooted and grounded in Love,” we then begin the lifelong process of “taking hold with all the saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height” of that Love. Or, like someone holding a multifaceted diamond up to the light, we spend the rest of our lives meditating upon Who Christ is. . .His precious Promises in our lives. . .and how He transforms us like some ugly caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly (Rom. 12:1-2).
Think of it:
“The breadth of His Love.” This speaks of width or an all-encompassing Love. That means we no longer view it as narrow or exclusive; instead, it’s an “open-arms Love,” which embraces everyone we meet.
“The length of His Love.” Again, this conveys the idea of distance and helps us realize there’s no place in life where His Love is not. It is far-reaching and able to “take our sins as far as the east is from the west and remember them no more” (Ps. 103:12). Hallelujah!!
“The depth of His Love.” Unlike some topsoil that appears quite fertile at first glance but hides solid bedrock below, Christ’s Love is far deeper than our wildest dreams (I Cor. 2:9). And, as someone once said, “His Grace is still deeper than our deepest, darkest sin.”
“The height of His Love.” When we’re “still and know that He is God” (Ps. 46:10), we’ll find ourselves catching our breath as we muse on the greatness of His Love. Who can grasp a Love that reaches from the highest Heaven down to the lowest hell? None of us. That’s why the words of that old, Gospel song “The Love of God” still move us: “O Love of God, how rich, how pure; how measureless and strong. It shall forevermore endure, The saints’ and angels’ song.”
And, we shouldn’t be surprised when all of our “consecrated contemplation” still leaves us with bowed head and hushed breath—for it truly “passes knowledge,” i.e., “goes beyond our understanding” (Phil. 4:7). Why not stop right now, dear Pilgrim, close your eyes and allow your mind/spirit to soar upward to the One Who loves you more than you could ever know? Then spend the day thanking Him for how much He loves you.
By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated September 17, 2010