FREE Evangelical Church Directory

Looking for A Better Way to Let the World Know That Your Church Exist? Enlist your Church NOW!!!

Many Christians migrate from one place to another. Some of them were not able to continue to go to Church just because they can’t find an Evangelical Church which have the same doctrine with them. In the internet, it is indeed very difficult to find churches because I myself was not able to find a good list of Evangelical Churches.

This is the reason why I started this move, to create a directory of Evangelical Christian Churches.

Rules Of Enlisting

1. This list is only open for Evangelical Churches; Examples: Baptists such as; Fundamental Baptists, Southern Baptists, Convservative Baptists, Bible Baptists and the like; Methodists, United Church of Christ; Church of Christ,  Jesus Is Lord, Four Square, Presbeterian etc…
And all other Churches that have the same major doctrines.

We do not recognize the following Churches to belong to Evangelical Churches: Mormons, Iglesia Ni Cristo, Roman Catholics, Seventh Day Adventist, and all other churches that does not have the same major doctrines in comparison to the Evangelical churches. Click Here to see Statement of Faith to see the major doctrines that I am referring to.

2. Submit your CHURCH  by giving the following information:

Name Of Your Church:
Denominational Affiliation:
Address Of Your Church:
Contact Number: (Cell / Tel. No.)

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: The information needed above will be PUBLISHED since this is an Evangelical Churches Directory which was created to help our dear Christian friends to find their fellow Christians in the same denomination where ever they go.
3.Each submission is subject for review. This is why it is always better to have a website so that we can see directly what group are you or if you do really exists.

4.Copy and paste the code below to the sidebar or footer of your website or blog (or simply include this link in your list of links). Once we visit your site and see this link, it simply means that you are really the one who submitted your Church. This serves as a proof that it is your will to submit your Church.

<a href="">Church Directory</a>

5.This is only open for open countries such as US, Canada, the whole of Europe, Thailand, Philippines, Cambodia etc. If you are coming from a close country such as North Korea, China, Vietnam, or the like, please DO NOT submit any information of your Church.

To Submit the information mentioned above CLICK HERE!!!

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