“Watch, therefore—for you know not what hour your Lord does come.”
Matthew 24:42
Could today be the Day when the Lord does come
To welcome His children home—
Those who’ve trusted Him as Savior and Lord
And have chosen no longer to roam?
Could today be the Day when the Trumpet sounds
And the “dead in Christ shall rise,”
To be joined by those who are still living by faith
And of His Return no longer surmise?
Could today be the Day when all labor shall cease
For those who’ve been born again,
Who know that salvation is a free Gift of God
That plucks them from life’s sinking sand?
Could today be the Day when all sorrow shall cease
As the Father wipes away all our tears
By drawing us close to His loving side
And banishing all of our fears?
Yes, today could be that long-awaited Day
When the Savior will come for His own;
He’ll gather us up in the twinkling of an eye
As He leads all His faithful Pilgrims Home.
We’ll all be changed in a split-second of time
As the Bridegroom ushers us in
To that place He’s been preparing for His chosen Bride,
So free from heartache and sin.
Could today be that Day when faith becomes sight
And all sorrows and troubles shall cease?
Yes, today could be the Day when the Battle’s been won
As we enter that Land of eternal peace.
Do what you can in the time that remains
To lead as many as you can into the Ark—
For it won’t be long until the Lord comes again
And on that Heavenly journey we finally do embark.
–Tom Smith
Morning Manna Dated November 26, 2009