Site Disclosure
* This blog is a personal blog no matter how people may think of it. It reflect my personal ideas, opinions and observations based on my study and research on articles published.
* I do not have any editor on this blog. Thus, typographical, grammatical and syntax errors may exist. But I accept corrections from my readers. So please inform me on any intolerable errors that you might see which I suppose to be accompanied with love.
* Whenever you disagree on the views or topics presented on this blog, you are free to comment in the comment section or blog about it in your own blogs.
* I provide links and names of my sources of quotes if applicable.
* Blogging at my own time and convenience is completely my prerogative.
* Comments are highly welcomed yet I do not promise that I can and will reply to all comments but will try my very best to do so.
* I received free copies of some of the books (not true to all books reviewed) reviewed on this blog. While some reviews are completely my desire to share the information to others.
* Some of the links embedded going to a product or products contain my affiliate links where I earn a small comission upon any purchase of the product or products.
* Some ads found on this blog are paid ads while some contains my affiliate link. While some ads are completely owned by yours truly.
* I reserve the right to revise, deduct or add something in this disclosure in the future.