“And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavored to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the Gospel unto them.”
Acts 16:10
As Jesus said “What you must do, do quickly” (Jn. 13:27).
Although those words were spoken to Judas in the upper room concerning his deceitful, dastardly deed, Christ’s words are also sometimes applicable in our own lives concerning a course-of-action while doing His will.
Paul and Silas had been forbidden from going into Phrygia, Galatia and Bithynia, which were northwest and north of Derbe and Lystra, which were in what is now south-central Turkey. Paul had already visited Phyrgia and Galatia on one of his previous missionary journeys (Acts 13:14-14:5, 21) and it’s possible some of those who lived there had come to Christ on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:10). But, Bithynia was a new territory and he was eager to take the Gospel there—which he evidently did later and many persons came to Christ as a result (I Pet. 1:1-2).
Thus, we should never see Divine “delays” as “denials.”
Instead, like Joseph—who went from the pit to the prison before being elevated to the palace—we should always remember the Lord is with us wherever we are and will “prosper us” as we stay focused upon Him (Gen. 39:2-3, 5, 20-23) as He positions us to do His Will.
In Paul’s case, he had a vision one night and in it “there stood a man of Macedonia who prayed (Grk. ‘parakaleo’—‘to call near, invite, invoke, implore, beseech, plead with, earnestly desire, etc.’) him, saying ‘Come over into Macedonia and help us’.”
Now, it’s likely that such visions or Spirit-induced dreams were more common back then than they are today. And, we’d do well not to put too much stock in a dream we had last night, for it may have been nothing more than acid indigestion.
However, there are times when the Holy Spirit will quietly move within us while we sleep. Perhaps we were troubled over a certain situation when we laid down for the night; or, perhaps we had an important decision to make in the near future. It’s always amazing how many times we’ll awaken the next morning and the answer or solution seems crystal clear.
And, it’s in response to those times of “soul-stirrings” that we must act.
Again, we should “test the spirits” to see if they are of God (I Jn. 4:1); however, when we know within our hearts that He has laid a burden on our heart, then we, like Paul, should act quickly and decisively.
Do not hesitate or contemplate. And, never forget as someone once said, “So often the road to hell is paved by procrastination.” So, what is the Holy Spirit telling you to do, Pilgrim, that you’ve been putting off to do? Perhaps He’s telling you to “do it now.” As someone once said, “Impression without expression so often leads to depression;” therefore, if He’s leading you to do something, take the leap of faith—for it’s always into the loving arms of a known God.
By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated July 29, 2010