“Don’t Waste Your Life” the title itself speaks to us directly. Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper This book is written by John Piper and is all about the value of life in Christ. Our life is nothing and will be nothing if it is not with the Lord. There is no sense of our being if it is not given over to our God. Similarly to what apostle Paul said; “For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” If we are going to rephrase it, it will be “Life is Christ and death is gain” and the life on the other road is wasted. This is an extraordinary statement that came from an ordinary man with extraordinary dedication and faith.

You can get grab a copy here:
44988: Don"t Waste Your Life

Don’t Waste Your LifeBy John Piper / Crossway Books & Bibles

In this provocative work Pastor Piper challenges us to set aside the trivial pursuit of self-fulfillment so that we can develop a deeper passion for God. Piper believes that if we passionately submit the sufferings we endure, the risks we take, and the goals we set to the pursuit of God’s glory, then not one moment of our lives will be wasted. Don’t miss this opportunity to rekindle your passion for the cross of Christ and the glory of God.


Everything in this world is passing away. All is vanity according to the great teacher in Ecclesiastes. If it is not in Christ, indeed our lives will be wasted. This book will open our eyes that there is a better reason to live our lives. There is a better way to live out our lives in passion for the Lord.

Here’s the summary of the book:

• My Search for A Single Passion to Live By
• Breakthrough-the Beauty of Christ, My Joy
• Boasting Only in The Cross, The Blazing Center of the Glory of God
• Magnifying Christ Through Pain and Death
• Risk Is Right-Better To Lose Your Life Than To Waste It
• The Goal of Life-Gladly Making Other Glad in God
• Living to Prove He is More Precious Than Life
• Making Much of Christ from 8 to 5
• The Majesty of Christ in Missions and Mercy-A Plea to This Generation
• My Prayer-Let None Say in the End, “I’ve Wasted It”

506314: Don"t Waste Your Life Group Study Kit>Don’t Waste Your Life Group Study KitBy Crossway Books & Bibles

The newly redesigned kit combines a group study edition of John Piper’s best-selling book Don’t Waste Your Life, with a fourteen-session DVD featuring his teaching, plus a full-length study guide and leader materials. It contains everything a ministry or facilitator needs to stimulate discussion within a group and to convey Piper’s passion to make our lives count for eternity.

Ask the average person to sum up his ideal life in a few words, and he’d describe the American dream: College. Job. Marriage. House. Kids. Comfortable income. Retire.

Though God designed people for far more than this, nevertheless millions waste their lives on such “fatal success”-all because they have not awakened to the simple, biblical reality that “to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” But this valuable resource can assist churches, small groups, and teachers in reversing that empty trend.

Curriculum Includes:

  • 14 Session DVD
  • Don’t Waste Your Life Study Guide
  • Paperback copy of Don’t Waste Your Life

My Personal Opinion

506345: Don"t Waste Your Life Group Study Teaching DVDThis book teaches us the essence of being a follower of Christ. It is about risking our life for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. This book is full of treasures to learn as a passionate follower of Christ.

I highly recommend this book for all Christians from teenager to adult. This is one of the rare books that are a MUST to read if you want to know how we should live passionately for Christ.


Don’t Waste Your Life Group Study Teaching DVDBy Crossway Books & Bibles

Here is my favorite quote from John Piper:

“The unwasted life is a life that in everything you do whether in life and in death puts Christ in display as supremely valuable.”

Below is a video that I found when John Piper preached about this topic.

John Piper is a preacher and author, currently serving as Pastor for Preaching and Vision of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Get a hold of this book and audio book by visiting Church Strengthening Ministry


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