Now we have come to the point that Paul is describing what will it be in the resurrection of those who have fallen asleep. The next series of verses is about the end of the age. Let us talk about the sequence of Christ’s second coming.
Christ will return (v.23)
The first thing that will happen in the end of the age is that Christ will return in the same way he was taken to heaven (Acts 1:11). Taking this literally, we can see that just like Jesus as he was taken into heaven in the form of the flesh, then the same event will take place only that Jesus will descend from heaven to take his place in the dominion of all creation.
We must take note here that Christ resurrected first. And from this, we can have faith that our resurrection will also come forth for his resurrection is a form as a pledge for our resurrection. We also have to take note that Jesus return first, then followed by the resurrection of the dead of those who belong to him, those who were marked by the Holy Spirit who has been the guarantee that we belong to Him (Ephesians 1:13-14), and then the end will come.
Christ will destroy all dominion, authority and power (v.24)
The next step that will happen is the destruction of all dominions, authorities and powers. Our world today is being ruled by many kinds of dominions, authorities and powers. There are nations who were very powerful, and there were those who are weak.
The world since the fall of mankind is living in the form of “survival of the fittest”. Those who are strong rules. And in fact this form of system is still very true in our time. That is why smaller and weak nations submit to the most powerful nations. Some of those powerful nations in our time is America, we have United Kingdom, Israel, and China. On the other hand, we have weak nations such as Cambodia, Bangladesh, Philippines, etc. And these weak nations usually submits to the will of the bigger ones.
It seems to be unfair living in this world especially for the people who have been living in a poorer countries. Things that each human is suppose to be enjoying can only satisfy a few. But when Christ comes back as he promised, all dominions, authorities and powers will be put under his feet. There will no rich, there will be no poor. There will be no powerful, because there is only one power that will rule over all dominions, Christ Jesus, where all people will submit to his rule.
Christ will reign until all enemies has been put under his feet (v.25)
For sometime, people have been fighting for freedom, against corruption against violence, etc. Some have grew tired of fighting and so gave up fighting for such freedom. Some did not even experience the real meaning of social freedom, not even in their death.
But in Christ, we have freedom. In Christ, as what the Bible says, we will have freedom. As our passage say, Christ will reign “until” all enemies has been put under his feet.
If we have been bondaged from the chain of those enemies which stands for wickedness, sins, and even the physical and literal enemies. Do not worry, in Christ, we will have freedom under his reign. After he comes, he indeed will destroy all dominion, powers, and authority and then reign until all enemies will be under his feet.
After all enemies is placed under his feet, He himself will be subject to the Father so that God will be all in all (v.28.) This does not stand however that Christ is merely human. What we can see here is the function and work of each persona of the Holy Trinity. This is why all of them can never be in contradiction with each other for each one has its own function.