“Let us, therefore, fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into His Rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.”

Hebrews 4:1

“You’re not alone.  I’m right there with you.  Trust Me.  Rest in Me.”

Tossing and turning.  Your mind racing nonstop.  Burdens weighing down heavily on you. Heartaches and sorrow. . .guilt, doubt and shame over past sins. . .fear of the future, etc.  No wonder you can’t sleep.

Yet, in the darkness you feel Him brush up against you.

There, in the midst of your doubts and confusion, you hear His gentle Voice, calling your name and whispering:  “It’s okay, My child.  All’s well.  I’m here.  I’ll take care of things for you.

“I know your financial needs and will supply them.  I know your family situation and will bring healing and restoration.  I know your personal needs in every way and will meet them every one.

“Just trust Me.  I love you very, very much and won’t leave you.”

Why, then, does the author exhort us to “fear”?

Simply because the Greek word “phobeo” that’s used here also means “to be in awe of, to reverence, etc.”  Thus, it’s not just being alarmed about something; it’s a call to adoration and worship.  Glory!!

Yes, dear Pilgrim, if we’re going to fear anything, it should be our missing out on any of God’s Promises.  Just as we would take great care to keep a 10-karat diamond ring from slipping from our finger and being lost, so should we diligently “hide His Word in our hearts” (Ps. 119:11), which will keep us from sin and also keep us from being “conformed to this world by transforming us more and more into Christ’s likeness” (Rom. 12:2).

You are not some abandoned orphan, Pilgrim; neither are you some homeless street child.

No, you’re the child of the Heavenly Father if you’ve been born again and the Lord Jesus has promised to “not leave you comfortless, but come to you via His sweet Holy Spirit” (Jn. 14:16-18).

And, oh how sweet He is!

In every situation. . .every trial and difficulty. . .every painful situation where your heart is grieved and virtually torn out by its roots. . .the Lord Jesus, the “Man of Sorrows, Who is well-acquainted with our grief” (Is. 53:3-4). . .is truly “a VERY PRESENT Help in trouble” (Ps. 46:1). . .and will “catch all your tears in His Bottle” (Ps. 56:8a—KJV).

So, do not fear, fret or fume, weary one.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus and worship Him.  Tell Him how much He means to you.  Engage in non-stop praise and thanksgiving as your mind and heart are filled with His Presence and Promises.  “Enter now into the Joy of your Lord” (Mt. 25:21c).  Rest.

By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated January 18, 2011

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