A Sample of Filipino Christian Wedding Program And Ceremony
One of the most difficult part in having a Christian wedding is where to get a good example of a wedding program which includes the wedding manuscript itself. Well, there is no perfect wedding manuscript, but I believe that this post will help a lot of ministers especially the newbie officiating ministers.
I myself had lots of problems in searching the net looking for a good wedding manuscript. I ended up combining together what I believe best in my research. I do hope that you like this stuff. Filipino Christian wedding coordinators, this will also help you a lot. I included in it the program and a very short wedding sermon outline.
Who presents this woman and this man to be married to each other?
• Both sets of parents answer in unison, “I do” or “We do.”
Elements of A Good Marriage
1.Communication – Proverbs 13:17, you need to communicate properly
2.Consideration – It is paying attention to what your mate is feeling and not invalidating each other. In Ephesians 4:2 the keywordd is “other”
3.Compromise- love does not demandWho presents this woman and this man to be married to each other?
• Both sets of parents answer in unison, “I do” or “We do.” your own way.
Things where the couple can compromise
– Discipline- what kind of upbringing your spouse have.
– Finances – you need to talk to each others what are the priorities that you have to buy.
– Sex – talk to each other, when, how, where.
– In Laws – you have to consider each other’s parents and relatives so that your inlaws won’t be your outlaws.
4.Courtship – courtship does not end to your boyfriend, girlfriend relationship. It should be continuous. Even after having children. Songs of Solomon 8:6 says; “Set me like a seal on your heart, for love is as strong as death.” Matthew 5:32 says; “But I tell you the truth, whoever puts away his wife, except for the cause of sexual immorality, makes her an adulteress; and whoever marries her when she is put away commits adultery.”
5.Commitment – commitment to take care each other is very important. Faithfulness to your spouse is a must. Malachi 2:16; “’For I hate divorce,’ says Yahweh.”,
6.Christ – there could be no better home than having Christ in your home. Ungodly family adds up to the problem of the society. But godly families builds up the society. Psalms 127:1 says; “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.”
I charge you both, as you stand in God’s presence, to remember that love and loyalty alone will serve as the foundations of a happy and enduring home. If the solemn vows which you are about to make are kept permanently, and if you steadfastly seek to do the will of your Heavenly Father, your life will be full of peace and joy, and the home which you are establishing will abide through every change.
Pastor: To the parents, your main role with the relationship of these two individuals is to guide and encourage them to continue to love one another and not to overpower them over their decision making. Remember that you now have a new son and a new daughter. You are to assist them in times that they need you without expecting something in return.
Pastors: To the Sponsors, you are here not only to witness the wedding but also to take responsibility of assisting the couple for their moral, financial, and even in spiritual needs. You are responsible to help them in times of their needs not only in financial matters but also in your moral advice to them. This is why it is important that we ourselves have been a good example of a happy marriage.
Pastor: Your main responsibility is to help the couple in times they need it especially that you have become a witness this memorable day. It is not your job to back bite the couple or to give comments against them, nor to gossip (chismiss) about them but to love them and help nurture their love for each other.
___, will you have ____ to be your wedded (wife/husband), to live together in the covenant of faith, hope, and love according to the intention of God for your lives together in Jesus Christ? Will you listen to (her/him) inmost thoughts, be considerate and tender in your care of (her/him), and stand by (her/him) faithfully in sickness and in health, and, preferring (her/him) above all others, accept full responsibility for (her/him) every necessity for as long as you both shall live?
I, ___, take you ___, to be my wedded (husband/wife), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, ’til death do us part: according to God’s holy ordinance, and thereto I pledge you my love and faithfulness.
Minister: “May I have the rings. Let us pray. Bless, O Lord, the giving and receiving of these rings. May ___ and ___ abide in Thy peace and grow in their knowledge of Your presence through their loving union. May the seamless circle of these rings become the symbol of their endless love and serve to remind them of the holy covenant they have entered into today to be faithful, loving, and kind to each other. Dear God, may they live in Your grace and be forever true to this union. Amen.”
Groom: “____, I give you this ring as a symbol of our love, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. With this ring, I wed you.”
Bride: “____, I give you this ring as a symbol of our love, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. With this ring, I wed you.”
The two outside candles have been lighted to represent both your lives in this moment. They are two distinct lights, each capable of going their separate ways. As you join now in marriage, there is a merging of these two lights into one light. This is wI charge you both, as you stand in God’s presence, to remember that love and loyalty alone will serve as the foundations of a happy and enduring home. If the solemn vows which you are about to make are kept permanently, and if you steadfastly seek to do the will of your Heavenly Father, your life will be full of peace and joy, and the home which you are establishing will abide through every change. hat the Lord meant when He said, “On this account a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall be one flesh.” From now on your thoughts shall be for each other rather than your individual selves. Your plans shall be mutual, your joys and sorrows shall be shared alike. As you each take a candle and together light the center one, you will extinguish your own candles, thus letting the center candle represent the union of your lives into one flesh. As this one light cannot be divided, neither shall your lives be divided but a united testimony in a Christian home. May the radiance of this one light be a testimony of your unity in the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Bible is the symbol of your submission to God giving Him the authority over your marital life being the head of the whole family.
The Couple:
I promise before God that with this Bible, I desire to follow God’s ways and encourage you as my spouse to do the same. I also commit to God, that I will love Him more than I love you as an evidence of my love for you. Today, I recognize that without Him, there is no us. May God bless our family.
These Coins are the symbol of the union of your faith with each other when it comes to material things.
Husband: I promise to supply your needs and of our family. That I will do my best with all I can to give it willfully with all my heart for the betterment of our family.
Wife: I promise to take care of our finances responsibly to ensure a smooth governance of our assets and expenses. I also promise to give to the Lord what is due Him.
(Kneeling), Let us call on the bearer of the Veil and Cord.
The Veil is the symbol of submission of the wife under the husband and it’s purest intention of the couple with each other. On the other hand, the cord symbolizes that both of you are now one and cannot be separated.
Now that ____ and ____ have given themselves to each other by the promises they have exchanged, I pronounce them to be husband and wife, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
You may now kiss the bride!!!
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mr. And Mrs. Vien and May Olaer
Thank you so much po, very informative. Can I check po na try niyo na po ba na i add ung feet washing during the ceremony? pwede kaya I replace ung veil and cord sa washing of feet po?
Good morning po, do you have a sample Honoring of the Parents by the couple?
Sorry, wala po. But it is best if the couple will make it personally if they will be the one who will read “honoring the parents”. Something that should highlight how their parents became a blessing to their relationship and to their lives.
Hi Pastor!
do we need secondary sponsors/ninong & ninang for a christian wedding? thank you!
You need at least 2 witnesses to your wedding ceremony. Your ninong and ninong are the usual witnesses. So legally speaking, witnesses. Pero as ninong at ninang, no it’s not a requirement. Depende na yan sa inyo. Pero sa marriage contract, yes, you will need two witnesses at least.
Hi Pastor, san po pwede ipasok na part yung honoring of parents?
If you have honoring the parents, you can put that before the different charges.
Is an entourage/processional necessary?
Not necessary. But it’s a good way to start a ceremony.
I am newly engaged and I want to include Filipino Traditions but I come from a Christian family. While doing my research most of the internet says these traditions are for Catholics. I just wanted to be sure that this is just a tradition and can be for any religion before starting my plans.
You can use what is written in this post. These symbols are used for both the Catholic and the Evangelical Christian weddings here in the Philippines. The main difference will be in the sermon content and no images.
Thank you so much for this! 🙂
Is communion / breaking of the bread, not in the ceremony Pastor?
Not all wedding ceremony includes breaking of bread. So far, I haven’t had the experience of including it during the ceremony that I conducted. However, I have seen some wedding ceremonies, that has that.
Hi Ptr. Vince! I find your site very helpful and informative. Thank God for using you to minister even to other ministers! By the way, do you have a sample wedding script written in tagalog? Blessings!
Sorry pastor, I don’t have. I have a manuscript in English format only. 🙂 Thank you for reading my blog!
Thanks for this site…it’s very informative, as a new solemnizing officiating minister it really helps to me for the upcoming wedding ceremony that I’m going to perform. Thanks a lot Ptr. Vince. May the good Lord blesses you with all His manifold blessings and wisdom.
Way to go Ptr. Danny Largo!!! More blessings to you too.. 🙂
I agree that this website is very informative. The article written is very well detailed. Has helped me a lot in my forthcoming wedding..
Hi Ptr Vince good day! Paano mag candle ceremony ( unity candle and where can we insert their own marriage vows po ty
Thank you so much Ptr really appreciate your help! Blessings po🙏
pede po before veil and chord.
Bale yung candle, you can insert it before veil and chord. Yung marriage vows naman po, you can use your own vows jan sa part ng “Giving of Vows”. Make sure lang po that you communicated with your officiating minister that you will use your own vows. May kinasal ako lately walang sinabi. Ngayon after the wedding, nagtatanong ang coordinators kung meron pa ba daw chance na may giving of vows sila. So communicate it to your officiating minister that you will be giving your own marriage vows.
Good morning my dear pastor Vince Olaer maganda po ang inyong pagkakaayos pls correction lang po sa
5. Malachi 2:6 instead Malachi 2:16
6. Proverbs 127:1 instead Psalms 127:1
Godbless you more and thank you for this
Oh wow… thank you for that! I now corrected it.
thedisciplers.com is very informative. The article is very professionally written. I enjoy reading thedisciplers.com every day.