“Now all these things happened unto them for examples—and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore, let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.”
I Corinthians 10:11-12
We’re no different than any other generation; that’s why we should learn from their mistakes lest we repeat them.
Human nature is the same wherever you find it. Regardless of the “wrapper” (ethnicity, color of skin, location, etc.), each individual is just like everyone else. Assuredly, creeds and customs may vary from place-to-place, as will views and values. But, the fact remains that we’re all just alike when it comes to our sinful natures and need of Almighty God.
The children of Israel were God’s Chosen People. Our sovereign God looked down upon all the peoples of this earth and chose Abraham and His descendants to be recipients of His Covenant Promises. And, you would have thought they would have demonstrated their gratitude for His condescending Love by loving Him with all of their hearts.
But, they didn’t.
Even though He’d delivered them from 430 years of Egyptian oppression with “a mighty Hand” (Ex. 32:11), it wasn’t long before they were murmuring and complaining about bitter water and hungry stomachs (Ex. 15:23-24; 16:2-3). And, even though He supplied these temporal needs in most miraculous ways (15:25; 16:4-16), it wasn’t long before they were murmuring and complaining once again.
No wonder “with many of them God was not well pleased and they were destroyed in the wilderness” (I Cor. 10:5).
They’d all “been under the cloud and passed together through the sea. They’d all eaten the same spiritual meat (manna) and drank the same spiritual drink from that same Spiritual Rock that accompanied them” (vv.2-4).
But, still they “lusted after evil things. . .were idolatrous. . .sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play. . .committing fornication and testing Christ by their evil deeds and words” (vv.6-10). And, dear Pilgrim, too often we act just like them UNLESS we “capture our thoughts and bring them into obedience to Christ” (II Cor. 10:5).
Let’s face it:
We’re all the same. The same “frailties of flesh.” The same “feebleness of faith.” The same minds that are “hostile toward God from birth” (Rom. 8:7).
Yet, by studying God’s Word and learning from others’ examples we can avoid the “peril of pride” that comes when we think we’re something we’re not or beyond temptation and trials. It’s only by the Grace of God that “we live, move and have our being” (Acts 17:28). And, even when trials do come, we don’t blame Him; instead, we give thanks for His faithfulness and sufficient Grace that enables us to both endure and overcome (I Cor. 10:13). Why not stop right now and thank Him for that Grace so freely given to sinners like you and me?
By Morning Manna Dated August 30, 2010