Scripture read: Exodus 8
Focus verse:
Moses said to Pharaoh, “Certainly. Set the time. When do you want the
frogs out of here, away from your servants and people and out of your
houses? You’ll be rid of frogs except for those in the Nile.”
Exodus 8:9

1. Moses’ faith is amazing. He even was able to ask Pharaoh to set the time.

2. He had an absolute trust in God. He absolutely knew that God would
remove the frogs. All because God told him.

3. Once again i see the battle between faith and logic. Moses was
listening to his Spirit, and he chose to trust.

4. Logic says, “but it’s never happened before, therefore it wont happen now.”
But faith says,’ i don’t care if it hasn’t happened yet. God said so,
and i will just follow!’

5. With me, the battle of faith and logic is a battle that I’ve often
lost. I’m too afraid of the consequences.

6. I’ve always gone for the sure thing: salvation, destiny, purpose,
etc. But there is a whole lot more to God. Things He wants to do just
because He loves me. I keep thinking ‘why would He do that?’

7. I  want to know God more.

Lord, take me deeper into Your heart. Change me. Amen

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