“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen—for by it the elders obtained a good report.”Hebrews 11:1-2

In reality, it’s ultimately the only thing that matters here on earth.

Your reputation.

We know our time here on earth is short at best, especially when compared to the mighty redwood trees or other living things.  We know our days are “as the grass or flower of a field that flourishes for a season, but soon the cold winds of winter pass over it and it is gone—and the place thereof shall know it no more” (Psalm 103:15-16).  Or, as James described it, “Our lives are as a vapor (steam) that appears for a little while and then vanishes away” (4:14).

That’s why we should make sure our time here is not wasted or lived in vain.

Today’s Manna reminds us that the “elders” of old—i.e., the patriarchs of faith—“obtained a good report by living lives of faith.”  Or, another way to state it is “The men and women of old gained a reputation as people of faith by the way they lived.”

And, wouldn’t you like that to be said of you, dear Pilgrim, when your time here on earth is over?

Wouldn’t you give thanks to God if others described you as someone who lived by faith. . . always living a simple life of trust. . .one who was a joy to be around because of your inner peace and inextinguishable hope?

Yes, that would be a great legacy, wouldn’t it?

And, it certainly would bring glory to the One by Whose Name you are called.

The question, then, is how to we “obtain this good report”?

By simply living in total surrender and dependency upon the Lord Jesus Christ.

Like a child who’s carefree, romping and playing in a flower-filled meadow, so is the attitude and demeanor of one who’s confident of the Heavenly Father’s faithfulness and unchanging Love.  This doesn’t mean we’ll never have hurts or heartaches. . .trials and tribulations. . . difficulties and disappointments, etc.

But, it does mean we’ll always have One there with us to help see us through them.

Just as a high-flying jet leaves a “vapor-trail” behind it overhead as it wings its way from one place to another, so should “faith, hope and love” (I Cor. 13:13) be the main three words that describe us when our sojourn here on earth is through.

And, above all, may others say “You know, one thing about him/her that I remember most is how he/she simply took Jesus at His Word and trusted Him to guide him/her through life.”  Wouldn’t that be a great epitaph, Pilgrim?  Why not begin today insuring it will be by “letting your light so shine before others that they’ll see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven” (Mt. 5:16)?  That way you’ll not have to worry if your life has made a difference and how you’ll be remembered.

By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated March 19,

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