“For God, Who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give the Light of the knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ.”
II Corinthians 4:6
Just one look will last a lifetime—yea, even for all eternity.
“A glimpse of His Glory.”
Picture if you will a well-known dignitary or a world-famous celebrity coming into town. Long before their arrival, the media has assembled with their television and digital cameras, bright lights, microphones for interviews, etc. And, sometimes as far as the eye can see, crowds throng the arrival route, plaza or assembly hall where the honored guest will be.
How come?
For just one look. A glimpse of his/her face. And, if this renowned person should actually stop, shake their hand, sign their program or give them a hug, they’d think they’d “died and gone to heaven.”
Why, then, do we act so casual or nonchalant when we profess to know Jesus, the Risen Lord, and have Him living in our hearts?
Before meeting Him, we were “dungeon dwellers living in darkness,” bound them because of our own sinful rebellion (Ps. 107:10-12). But, into that dark, dank, dismal prison of our own making, the “Light has shined” (Jn. 1:4-9). And, all those who “cry out unto the Lord in their trouble” will find that He will come and “save them out of their distresses by bringing them out of darkness and the shadow of death. . .breaking their bands asunder. . .as He leads them forth into His glorious Life and Light” (Ps. 107:13-14; Is. 61:1-3). Hallelujah!!
Oh, dear Pilgrim, this same great God Who spoke in creation and said “Let there be light!” and from the vast, vacuum-void of darkness the light appeared (Gen. 1:3), still “shines in the hearts of those who believe to give the Light of the knowledge of His Glory in the Face of His Son, Jesus Christ.”
At first, it may be a tiny light—like the first, tiny sliver of light piercing the darkness as the sun nears the horizon. But, soon that small gleam will grow brighter-and-brighter as the awakened-one continues his/her “Glory Gaze” on Jesus’ Face through daily prayer and meditation on God’s Word.
Soon that “little light” of salvation will grow into a “large light” of sanctification and transformation. This daily “communion union” with Christ will move one from “glory to glory” (II Cor. 3:18) as He whets our appetite to “know Him” even more (Phil. 3:10).
And, it’s all because our “gazing into His Face” will cause us to glorify Him with our lives. The more we get to know Him. . .really, really know Him. . .the more we’ll love Him and the more we’ll want to surrender every part of our lives to Him.
The key is “looking unto Jesus” (Heb. 12:2), Pilgrim. That steadfast “fixation on His Face” is what transforms us into His Likeness. And, as we are, like Moses, our face will also shine (Ex. 34:33) because of our having spent time in His Presence. Glory!!
By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated September 3, 2010