“That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God and of the Father and of Christ—in Whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”
Colossians 2:2-3
How rich we are when we realize everything we need is found in Him.
“All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”
Who has not read of or watched movies of pirates and their hidden, buried treasures? Even now we see treasure hunters. . .with their faded, tattered maps. . .looking for those hidden gold bullion, where “X marked the spot”. . .and the great joy that erupted within them as they dug up the treasure chest and opened it.
Yet, instead of jumping up and down with glee like a one-legged, pegged-legged, patch-over-his-eye pirate, we go through life in a ho-hum way, though professing to have within us “God’s most precious Treasure in earthen vessels” (II Cor. 4:7).
Something’s wrong with this picture, dear Pilgrim!
Something’s definitely, desperately wrong!
And, what might that be?
Quite simply we either don’t realize it. . .understand it. . .or, worse, don’t have it!
When the Reality of the Resurrection and “Christ IN YOU, the Hope of Glory” (Col. 1:27) suddenly dawns on us, it changes us. Instead of some doctrinal creed, He is the living, delivering Christ! Instead of remembering what He did here on earth some 2,000 years ago, we are energized by what He’s doing in/through us right here and right now!
And, when we realize Jesus brings with Him everything the Father has to offer, we should never again feel defeated or deficient—not when the King of Kings and Lord of lords lives within our hearts! Hallelujah!!
It is this transforming Reality of His indwelling Presence that “comforts us as we’re knit together in love,” causing us to realize “all the riches that come with a full assurance of understanding.” And, what might those “riches” be?
“The treasures (Grk. ‘thesauros’—‘wealth, deposit, etc.’) of wisdom and knowledge.”
Simply put, when the all-seeing, all-powerful Risen Lord lives within us, we should say with Paul “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13) and “We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us” (Rom. 8:37).
And, those “treasures of wisdom and knowledge” are not so we can impress others; they’re given that we might “know Him, the power of His Resurrection, the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable to His death” (Phil. 3:10). Glory!! Oh, dear Pilgrim, the Heavenly Father doesn’t want us to “come behind (Grk. ‘hustereo’—‘be inferior, deficient, come short of, be destitute, etc.’) in any gift as we wait for Jesus’ Return” (I Cor. 1:7). He wantsT us to enjoy “the riches of His Glory and full assurance of understanding” (Col. 1:27). Therefore, start living that way today as a redeemed child of the King of kings.
By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated December 19, 2009