He is Lord by Hillsong(with chords and lyrics) from the album This Is Our God, the seventeenth album in the live praise and worship series of Christian Contemporary music by Hillsong Church. It was recorded live at the Acer Arena on 9 March 2008.

He is Lord

by Hillsong

Intro: Am C F (x4)

Verse 1:
   Am      C         F
Oh blessed Lamb once slain
     C        Am  G
Will reign forevermore
    Am         C         F
His hands once bound now save
    C        G     F
Our God will never fail

He is Lord
He is Lord
         C    Am
Sings my soul
He is the Lord
And He lives
Yes He lives
     F           G     F     (G)
I'm alive 'cause Jesus lives

Interlude: F C G (x2)

Verse 2:
     Am     C        F
'Tis at the cross of Christ
      C         Am     G
Where earth and heaven meet
      Am     C   F
Where sin is overcome
   C       G    F
To God the victory

    Am           F                  
And now, let the earth 

resound with praise
        C              F
For our Saviour God He reigns
      C               G
He is high and lifted up
 Am            F             G
Arise, for the king of glory waits
      C            F
He is coming back again
      C            G
He is coming back again

Instrumental: Am F G C F C 

Ending: He is coming back again (x6) 

[with the chords of bridge]

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