“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

Matthew 6:21

Investments there lessen cares here.

Rising costs.  Diminishing returns.  Exorbitant interest rates.  Escalating taxes.  Deceptive lending practices.  Defective products.  Inferior materials and workmanship.  Worthless warranties and guarantees.

Sound familiar?

If so, it’s likely their mere mention either causes high blood pressure or deepening despair—especially if our true “treasure” is earthly, not Heavenly.

The Lord Jesus knew very well our hearts accompany our treasure.  That’s why it’s important we invest in those things eternal, not that which soon will succumb to “rust, rot and robbers” (Mt. 6:19-20).

Yes, He knew moths in closets care little about what labels are on a dress, coat or pair of pants.  They are “equal opportunity eaters.”  Likewise, He knew rust cares naught for how expensive the pipe or fender; give it time and opportunity and it’ll eat a hole through it.  The same is true with thieves—for they care only about what they can steal from another, even if it means “breaking through and stealing” (Jn. 10:10b).

They don’t care that you worked long and hard to save money for that cherished item.  They don’t care that it was a family heirloom handed down from one generation to another.  They don’t care that their taking it will leave you in a lurch and make it much harder for you to get by.

No, they don’t care.  And, neither should you (as far as being totally devastated) when any of these “triple terrors” come knocking at your heart’s door.

Sure we should cherish them and take care of them.  We should be grateful to the one who gave them to us or to the Heavenly Father Who gave us the means to obtain them.

But, we shouldn’t make them “heart-treasures.”

That way we’ll not lose heart and hope when they’re gone.

Instead, we should “lay up for ourselves treasures in Heaven,” which are “reserved and preserved for us by the Lord Himself” (I Pet. 1:3-4).  They may seem worthless and useless to those “who mind earthly things” (Phil. 3:19b).  But, to those of us whose “citizenship is in Heaven” (Phil. 3:19a), we know Heavenly treasure will still be around when all others have faded from view (II Cor. 4:16-5:2).

So, what’s your “heart-treasure” today, Pilgrim?  What things or activities “ring your bell” and “lighten up your eyes” when you think about them?  Who in your life is more important to you than the Lord Jesus and what are you doing that’s more important than serving Him?

Hopefully, your answer is “Nothing and no one.”  Hopefully, you realize “knowing Him” (Phil. 3:8-10) is truly life’s “Magnificent Obsession” and you’re daily “hungering and thirsting after Him” (Mt. 5:6) more and more.  If so, give thanks now; if not, do not rest until it is (Mt. 6:33).

By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated November 30, 2009

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