“For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord and He ponders all his goings.”
Proverbs 5:21
It matters not where I go in life
Or the things I say and do,
There’s always One Who’s watching me
And listening to what I say, too.
When I’m driving down the highway
Or talking down to a brother,
His All-Seeing Eyes are watching me
And how I treat all others.
In private or in public
His unseen Presence is there,
To see if I’m acting as Jesus would
In my victories or times of despair.
He listens to my tone of voice
And knows the secret motives of my heart;
That’s why I should always seek to bridle my tongue
Right from the very start.
He knows if I am loving
Or if I’m cruel to other folks—
And He watches to see if I honor Him
When I’m irritated or provoked.
There’s not a time when He’s not around,
In every situation in life;
That’s why we must always seek to follow Him
In our joys or in our strife.
Yes, all our ways are ever before Him
From sunrise to day’s end;
May His Spirit guide our steps in all we do
So we’ll always honor Jesus, our Best Friend.
That stranger whom we meet today
May seem like any other;
But we never know when it might be Jesus Himself
Who’ll say, “Why that was Me, your Brother!”
–Tom Smith
Morning Manna July 1, 2010