Reflecting Homosexuality From The Bible
The Bible speaks clearly that God created man and woman in his own image (Genesis 1:27). He did not create either a man who has the heart of the woman or a woman who has the heart of a man. Homosexuals tries to refute this by going to the purpose of the creation of humanity by quoting the following verse, 28. Here they will explain that God did this in order to fill the earth. However, due to the over multiplication of humanity, what we need now is to control the birth, thus, homosexuality now can be allowed.
Here they are beginning to twist God’s purpose and replace it with what they want to see. A completely unbiblical conclusion. I really don’t need to explain further why they want to conclude on things that they want to hear.
Now let us talk about God’s design for humanity. Obviously, the Bible speaks clearly that He designed humanity in a way that it can reproduce itself. He also designed only two sexes, male and female. The Bible clearly speaks on how should we doing and performing God’s design for humanity. Fact: GOD CREATED ONLY MALE AND FEMALE.
It is very true that Christ died for them too. Of course, Christ died for all humanity. And he ALSO DIED FOR THE SINS OF HOMOSEXUALITY. This is what most homosexual missed. But the fact that they still exists, it just means that God is still giving them a chance to repent of their sinful LUST.
For homosexuals, it is not Lust, but LOVE. Hmmm… I kept on thinking about this. But to be honest, for a long time that I have known many homosexuals, I did not see any love in them but LUST. Maybe they claim it to be like that to just prove that there is love in it. Well, Biblically speaking, we can always love anybody. In fact, God taught us to love one another, even our enemies. But why is it that homosexuals prove their love through sexuality and being sensual with one another? Hmmmm…… I kinda thinking about that.
Homosexuals will go to hell not because they are homosexuals but because of their unrepentant hearts to get rid of lustful nature of humanity and unbelief in Jesus that can change their lives.
Condemning homosexuality is NOT A RACIAL ISSUE, but a MORAL ISSUE. Many homosexual advocates insists that if we discriminate homosexuals, we are guilty of discrimination. The last time that I remember that there was a great debate of discrimination was between the races, white vs. blacks, western culture vs. the asians. But what is this now? Homosexual vs. the non-homosexuals?
Even Psychologists say that homosexuality is a lifestyle, a moral issue and not a racial nor cultural issue. This discrimination issue is totally out of issue, and was probably caused by the lustful homosexual acts. I would say not all, but many and probably most homosexuals are lustful.
Homosexuality is sin because it is a love for own self rather than love of God. It is sin because it gives birth to sensuality, lust, then to immorality. Homosexuality is nothing more than lust for the same sex (Romans 1:26-27).
First of all, being homosexual in the Bible is immorality. Secondly, many if not most homosexuals are more lustful than those who are not homosexuals. Just imagine if they go to public toilets that uses urinals in men’s toilet? I have seen lots of gays who peep on other guys. Don’t tell me it’s not a form of lust? And that act is definitely a violation of rights. Hmmm…. many homosexual advocates seems to be harmless, but beware, they are lust-hungry. Yes, normal people are lustful, but all the more the homosexuals (Romans 1:26-27).
In the end, I would say that I do respect homosexuals as humans and as persons who have feelings. I don’t mean to hurt any body’s feeling or condemn them. But I guess, this is a lesson that we all have to learn and work on. God sent His only begotten Son for the hope of humanity. Acceptance of Jesus Christ also means turning away from our sinful nature.
Without REPENTANCE means without ACCEPTANCE of Christ. And without acceptance, one is surely going to hell.
I don’t believe that there is a person who was born as homosexual. I do believe that there were some who were born as effeminate but not as homosexuals. So if you are a homosexual, it is time to repent. Time to accept Jesus Christ. Do it, before it’s too late.
God destroyed Sodom& Gomorrah over crime such as gang rapes, LUST, violence towards each other, idolatry, rampant heathens.
The only sin is LUST. Homosexual and heterosexual lust condemns us. Homosexual and heterosexual love is acceptable in the eyes of the lord once in a union of marriage.
Well, I do have a different stand on homosexual marriages and I think it was not mentioned on our previous posts, so I guess we do have something in common, we believe that marriage is sacred, that and other things as well.
I am still gay though! or “effeminate” as you coined, and I will never be ashamed to say that because I know he uses that part of me to be used for His glory in some amazing ways that straight people cannot.
Here’s a thought: Who do you think would be better? – an ill mannered christian or a well-behaved non-believer? Maybe we have different answers, but then let’s look on another angle: What would become of the ill-mannered christian if he didn’t have a God?
I do appreciate your elaboration on this matter.
Of course I don’t blame you for preaching, but you should have been more specific to which sins you were referring to because it seemed vague- to me and maybe to somebody else.
I rest my case.
Thanks and enjoy the rest of your day!
To be clear, I really don’t have any problem with effeminates. I myself have real close friends who are like that. As I said, the act of homosexuality, the sin, is what the article is all about.
I really don’t see myself being an “ill-mannered Christian” in my post. Sorry though if the post seems like to you. But then again, if you are seeing it in a different view, perhaps you will learn more about it than being irritated.
Thanks for commenting and blessings to your spiritual walk… And perhaps God will use you in mighty ways in reaching the practicing homosexuals and lead them to God. 🙂
I think I might not made myself clearly.
Let me put it in simpler terms:
Since you were emphasizing on the sinful ways of homosexuals; is it more relevant than discussing the sinful ways of straight people?
“expose the lustfulness of homosexuals”
Wow! and you say you are not judging.
And you say “this post is against sins that is touching your “promiscuous mind”.”
LOL don’t straight people have it as well? whether one choses to entertain them or not should be the issue!
It would have been better if you created a post directed to everyone.
I was never offended, I was just irritated because of the way you belittle us and that we need to have a specific post for reprimanding, as if we were lower than straight people. and that’s what i meant with hierarchy.
“I can now imagine how John the Baptist and the Apostles faces the people as they preach “REPENT AND BE BAPTIZE”. Perhaps, they got the same answer: “it is not you who will have to face Jesus for our sins”.” —- and oh! this doesn’t apply! I already repented, accepted Jesus Christ and were baptized before you “preached” this post.What I meant by that is: Isn’t my personal relationship with the Lord what really counts. I mean, of all the things in this world, ONLY and i mean ONLY HE and I will understand with what I have been through! Please read between the lines pastor.
Pastor, you should have prayed first before posting this comment. Imagine, a friend of mine told me he would be willing to change with the help of the Lord, since he can relate to me because I am a Christian and I am gay, but then this post made him realize he had no worth or of lesser worth to straight people.
Now you are really missing the point here Mark. Why should I direct the sins of homosexuality to non homosexuals?
If you are a doctor, you will not treat those who have cancer with diabetes medicines right?
The post is Biblical answer to what “homosexual advocates” including “same sex advocates”. I am not belittling anybody here, nor insulting anybody here. That is not my intention. Although I already expected that there will be some homosexuals who will really react on this post not because I really did insulted anyone, nor belittled anyone, but because this exposes the truth and how “same sex marriage advocates” are twisting the truths. Egos will be touched, and personality will be hurt.
And before you say anything else and misjudge me further, I myself have witnessed how worst the sin is. I myself was “almost” a victim of homosexuals when I was in high school. But God spared me from them, and stay awake that night so that they will not be able to lay their hands on me. And all of those began in that “promiscuous mind” brother. Good for you because you can fight it. But then, I don’t call someone a “gay” nor homosexuals unless they are practicing. It was only you who calls yourself “gay” while you are not practicing. But tell me, should I have no right as a pastor to preach what the Bible say? After all, I am not merely speaking of my own, but the Bible.
Yes you are right, it is our personal relationship with Christ that counts. But isn’t it accompanied by actions, by our thoughts, and by our desires because such relationship results to a new life for Jesus is the giver of life.
The old ways are gone, the new has come. The “new life” brother and everything in it, thinking, works, desires, everything. And such life is very symbolic to the water baptism that we have received, that we are dead to sin and now alive in Christ.
Do not be hearers of the word but be doers of the word. I guess you are also familiar with that.
Concerning your friend, I am sorry to hear that. But the post is what it is. If he does accept Jesus Christ “genuinely” I am sure, nothing in the world could and would hinder him from changing and coming to the Lord, NOT EVEN this post.
Finally, the Bible was not written to people to please them. Please note, Jesus himself was crucified getting all the insults of speaking and preaching the truths of man’s sinfulness. And though you have in many ways reacted and misjudge me on this one including the “pray” issue from your last comment, don’t worry, I forgive you. Nothing held against you. But I do hope and pray that instead of being irritated, you will instead see it in a different light.
See it something as a good reminder that sin is a sin “period” as you have said. That there is no “but” in following Christ. True repentance from sin and acceptance of Christ will always result to a change of life. It’s not an overnight process. But I am sure homosexuals who truly repented and obeyed God will surely win the daily battles until they reach the fullness of Christ. And they will not be called homosexuals anymore nor “gay” but men, who lives for Christ.
To make it more clearer for you that this post is not belittling anyone, here are the some quotes from the post:
“Homosexuals will go to hell not because they are homosexuals but because of their unrepentant hearts to get rid of lustful nature of humanity and unbelief in Jesus that can change their lives.”
– Unrepentant heart is the cause of sin, NOT because they are homosexuals.
“Of course, Christ died for all humanity. And he ALSO DIED FOR THE SINS OF HOMOSEXUALITY. This is what most homosexual missed. But the fact that they still exists, it just means that God is still giving them a chance to repent of their sinful LUST.”
– Emphasis is sins of homosexuality.
“Without REPENTANCE means without ACCEPTANCE of Christ. And without acceptance, one is surely going to hell.”
– Repentance and acceptance.
“I don’t believe that there is a person who was born as homosexual. I do believe that there were some who were born as effeminate but not as homosexuals. So if you are a homosexual, it is time to repent. Time to accept Jesus Christ. Do it, before it’s too late. ”
– I think I already said this in my previous comment.
Then perhaps you can quote a phrase or a sentence in the post that I mentioned about hierarchy of sins…
You say you are Christian, but you are gay. And the only thing that distinguish you from sinfulness is the act, but there is a presence of “promiscuous mind”…??? Now perhaps you can tell me who is making hierarchy here?
And to make it clearer to you, let me quote what I written above:
“It is very true that Christ died for them too. Of course, Christ died for all humanity. And he ALSO DIED FOR THE SINS OF HOMOSEXUALITY. This is what most homosexual missed.”
Did I judged anybody? Did I say I am better than them??? NOpe…But you are definitely missing the point. The post is ALL ABOUT the SINS of HOMOSEXUALITY and NOT about HOMOSEXUALS.
Here’s another quote from the post:
“Without REPENTANCE means without ACCEPTANCE of Christ. And without acceptance, one is surely going to hell.”
Does it sound judgment??? I am not sure if you are irritated of the post because I am judging or perhaps you are irritated because of the fact that this post is against sins that is touching your “promiscuous mind”.
“Be HOLY for your God is HOLY”.
Oh, I never said that you will come closer to God by marrying. Why would I say that? Even Paul is single.
Am I really a narrow and a shallow Christian???
I do not write and post Bible truths to please my readers nor to offend them. I simply write Bible truths, whether it pleases them or offend them. After all the Word of the Lord is like a two-edged sword that can cut even the bone marrows. Are you hurt by Sword???
Sorry pal. But I think you are the one judging me here.
And again, I did not wrote this post to convert a homosexual. I wrote this to expose the truths about the sins of homosexuality which is mainly lustfulness (which include promiscuity of mind).
I can now imagine how John the Baptist and the Apostles faces the people as they preach “REPENT AND BE BAPTIZE”. Perhaps, they got the same answer: “it is not you who will have to face Jesus for our sins”.
However, I will say this to you again “REPENT and be Baptize”. If you really accepted Jesus Christ. Your old life should be gone.
I have some friends who happen to be homosexuals before. But they were now ok with the Lord, and is now living a righteous life. They left even that “promiscuous mind”.
Sorry if the post offended you. But truth hurts.
I am a Christian and I am gay. I am attracted to the same sex and have emotional attachments towards the same sex. I have promiscuous thoughts of the same sex, but the difference is, I choose not to do it because I am a Christian!
These kind of posts really irritate me, it is as if there is a hierarchy in Christianity. I consider myself a man who happen to have feeling towards a man, but I always remind myself what is and what would not be pleasing to God, isn’t that what other straight people should think as well!?
I mean, does having pre-marital sex have lesser gravity in indulging to same sex intercourse? I DONT THINK SO! a sin is a sin PERIOD! and because we are still in this world, it is inevitable to sin!
and this post does not talk about exceptions? doesn’t the bible have exceptions as well? are you larger than the bible? so that means we are generalizing? that is just a lame excuse.
and Vince, i don’t think you are in position to judge because after all, it is not you who will have to face Jesus for our sins.
please check proverbs 12:18 for me,
if you think this post would make gay people come closer to God, think again. It is as if that you are saying that there is only way to God’s heart and that is to marry and have kids! you are a narrow and a shallow Christian.
“In the book entitled The Guilt of the Templars, we are told that ‘the Knights Templar’s confessions show them to have been basically homosexual warrior order… Other chargers were that the Knights templar participated in black magic and pederasty (anal intercourse, usually with a boy). They practiced ‘phallicism or sex-worship and Satanism and venerated ‘The Baphomet,’ the idol of the Luciferians. The crime of sodomy was a rite of Templar initiation.” – 625:104
“…Baphomet [was] an androgynous (meaning both male and female figure. Satan, like Baphomet, ‘is often pictured as a hermaphrotidic deity, having a male phallus an the breasts of a woman.” – 625:104
“…in ancient Egypt, Set was worshipped with obscene, homosexual rituals. We are told that the rituals performed for Set and Sirius were so horrible and debased ‘that later rulers of Egypt defaced their temples and obelisks and tried to drive them from the land.’ In mythology, we find that Set himself was involved in incest for he married his sister, Nephthys.” – 625:80
I think the issue is not mainly about the claim, but morality in view of the Bible. I’m sorry if the post offended you. The claim is as far as I have seen it. However, even if you claim to be an exemption, the Bible still validates what has been posted.
This is from the book of Romans chapter 1:
“verses 18-20 – discussed about the greatness of God and his being, his unlimited power, and about the wickedness and sinfulness of men.
verses 21-23 – “although they knew God, neither they glorified him as God… although they claimed to be wise, they became fools…” They committed idolatry when they worshiped the creature rather than the Creator.
verses 24-25 – Please do note that it says, “…they exchanged God’s truth for a lie…” this does not really refer directly to homosexuality, but to idolatry which resulted to further wickedness.
verses 26-27 – The wickedness of men now fell to the exchange of natural relations to unnatural ones,… homosexuality (obviously).
verses 28-32 – Men did not became better but worst. Men did not think worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God and their hearts were filled with all kinds of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. Now, in verse 32 please note the very last words, “…they did not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.”
As you see, the Bible authenticates that homosexuality is not only a sin but also a product of sin. There is no sin that produces righteousness. You may continue to reason out that there are exemptions. But as for me, I will stick with what the Bible says.
Furthermore, when some focus on the exemption, everybody will claim for exemptions. This blog does not nor will not focus on exemptions, but will focus on righteousness and what has been said in the Bible.
Just because you claim you knew many homosexuals and never saw love, only lust, doesn’t mean that all gay men only want sex. I have been in a 24 year MONOGAMOUS LOVING relationship with my partner. Now you know one couple so your argument is no longer valid.
Thanks a ton for all the info. I’ve been praying about it and hope that I will stand firm on a decision soon. Thanks again.
God Bless
Thank you for the response. Could you point me to a verse that says a “couple relationship with the same sex” that are not having sex, as you stated, is wrong. I greatly appreciate your helping me on this issue.
hello again Tyler,
I want you to open your Bible in Romans 1:26-27. Its says here: ” Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with woman and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.”
As you can see, the passage only mentioned “natural vs. unnatural” relationship with each other and not “having sex”. But the passage obviously implies sexual and emotional relationship with each other as that of the couple, husband and wife. Whether or not, they are having sex, as long as they are engage in a relationship with the same sex as of the relationship between husband and wife, is a sin, and is a form of homosexuality as implied in the passage. And furthermore, even to just desire having a relationship with the same sex as was clarified by the word “lust”. Lust is a desire to engage in sexual and emotional relations which unnatural and illicit.
You have to look carefully at the passage on how it was presented so that you may understand it very well. All you have to do is to look at it in author’s point of view. Many homosexuals are quantifying and are changing the meaning of the Bible to fit for themselves. They became lawyers for their own sins, but we all know that the Bible is clear to those who really want to understand it, and not to twist its truths.
Here’s a better understanding of the whole passage:
verses 18-20 – discussed about the greatness of God and his being, his unlimited power, and about the wickedness and sinfulness of men.
verses 21-23 – “although they knew God, neither they glorified him as God… although they claimed to be wise, they became fools…” They committed idolatry when they worshiped the creature rather than the Creator.
verses 24-25 – Please do note that it says, “…they exchanged God’s truth for a lie…” this does not really refer directly to homosexuality, but to idolatry which resulted to further wickedness.
verses 26-27 – The wickedness of men now fell to the exchange of natural relations to unnatural ones,… homosexuality (obviously).
verses 28-32 – Men did not became better but worst. Men did not think worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God and their hearts were filled with all kinds of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. Now, in verse 32 please note the very last words, “…they did not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.”
Homosexuality is does not only involve sexual relationship but also emotional attachment as of husband and wife as implied in the Bible. People can always make an excuse, and can always believe what they just want to believe. But the Bible and its truths are clear for God made it clear for people to understand. Sad know, that many people seems to be very knowledgeable but not they did not understand the passage, but they just DON’T WANT to understand it, denying its truth and look for an excuse.
I would say that your proposal in your first comment is a little dangerous brother. We have to stick on the Bible and to what it says, not looking for ways to make an excuse and to make our own rules. Furthermore, I haven’t seen a homosexual relationship that never engaged in sexual acts with each other.
Look at our world today, especially America. The degradation of moral values (over emphasis of exemptions for divorce, legality of homosexual marriage and its promotion to society, atheism, abortion, emphasis on illicit sex and other form of sexual immoralities, etc, many more), resulted to chaotic, lustful, and dangerous society.
All I pray since you are still undecided, is that you take the side of the truth, take the side of the Bible. It’s not our side, but to the side of God.
May God bless you!!!
When we talk about homosexuality here, it is “assumed” that the gay or lesbian is engaged to sexual acts or at least with a couple relationship with the same sex.
Homosexuality is totally different from Effeminates. There are some people who are just simply effeminates because female hormones stronger than their male hormones.
The act of homosexuality is totally opposed by God in the Bible. You can read chapter 1 of the book of Romans verses 20 up to last verse of chapter 1. You will see there that homosexuality is a form of sensual and sinful desire to have relationship with the same sex. It was even clarified that this is an unnatural relationships.
Furthermore, homosexuality is not an “inborn” state. It is a choice and it is totally a lifestyle.
I have Christian friends who are effeminate. They could have a choice of living a homosexual life. But they live uprightly, in Christian way. Now they have their own family, with sons and daughters, growing in the Lord’s will. They are living happily. This is just a proof that homosexuality is only a choice, but not an inherent characteristics. There’s no man or a woman who was born as homosexual. It is only due to sinful desires and lust.
I do hope that you will make your choice in God’s ways. Homosexuals are justifying their actions twisting the Bible for its truths. But the Bible is very clear on this matter.
Vince’s last blog post..An Atheist Meets God
I have done much research, though I am not gay, because I have been struggling with taking a side on this issue. I have found that the only references to homosexuality in the bible refer to homosexual sex. I have yet to find a verse in which the acts or thoughts of guys liking guys or girls liking girls is detested and thus I would like to propose the idea that the bible does not oppose the act of being homosexual but instead the sexual acts that are homosexual. And of course that is expected because sex outside of marriage is obviously wrong, as shown in the bible so homosexual sex is obviously outside of marriage and thus obviously looked down upon.
Homosexuality is a choice a person makes contrary to the lie being promosted people are not born that way; See Jude 6-7 Jude talking first about angles says the angles who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home then in verse 7 Jude says in a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns GAVE THEMSELVES UP TO SEXUAL IMMORALITY AND PERVERSION) homosexuality is a choice homosesuals are not born homosexuals like any sin they and we sin when we choose to sin.
Why did God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah? Because of homosexuality, particularly, the sin of sodomy, derived from Sodom!!
God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!!!!!