Reflecting Homosexuality From The Bible

The Bible speaks clearly that God created man and woman in his own image (Genesis 1:27). He did not create either a man who has the heart of the woman or a woman who has the heart of a man. Homosexuals tries to refute this by going to the purpose of the creation of humanity by quoting the following verse, 28. Here they will explain that God did this in order to fill the earth. However, due to the over multiplication of humanity, what we need now is to control the birth, thus, homosexuality now can be allowed.

Here they are beginning to twist God’s purpose and replace it with what they want to see. A completely unbiblical conclusion. I really don’t need to explain further why they want to conclude on things that they want to hear.

Now let us talk about God’s design for humanity. Obviously, the Bible speaks clearly that He designed humanity in a way that it can reproduce itself. He also designed only two sexes, male and female. The Bible clearly speaks on how should we doing and performing God’s design for humanity. Fact: GOD CREATED ONLY MALE AND FEMALE.

It is very true that Christ died for them too. Of course, Christ died for all humanity. And he ALSO DIED FOR THE SINS OF HOMOSEXUALITY. This is what most homosexual missed. But the fact that they still exists, it just means that God is still giving them a chance to repent of their sinful LUST.

For homosexuals, it is not Lust, but LOVE. Hmmm… I kept on thinking about this. But to be honest, for a long time that I have known many homosexuals, I did not see any love in them but LUST. Maybe they claim it to be like that to just prove that there is love in it. Well, Biblically speaking, we can always love anybody. In fact, God taught us to love one another, even our enemies. But why is it that homosexuals prove their love through sexuality and being sensual with one another? Hmmmm…… I kinda thinking about that.

Homosexuals will go to hell not because they are homosexuals but because of their unrepentant hearts to get rid of lustful nature of humanity and unbelief in Jesus that can change their lives.

Condemning homosexuality is NOT A RACIAL ISSUE, but a MORAL ISSUE. Many homosexual advocates insists that if we discriminate homosexuals, we are guilty of discrimination. The last time that I remember that there was a great debate of discrimination was between the races, white vs. blacks, western culture vs. the asians. But what is this now? Homosexual vs. the non-homosexuals?

Even Psychologists say that homosexuality is a lifestyle, a moral issue and not a racial nor cultural issue. This discrimination issue is totally out of issue, and was probably caused by the lustful homosexual acts. I would say not all, but many and probably most homosexuals are lustful.

Homosexuality is sin because it is a love for own self rather than love of God. It is sin because it gives birth to sensuality, lust, then to immorality. Homosexuality is nothing more than lust for the same sex (Romans 1:26-27).

First of all, being homosexual in the Bible is immorality. Secondly, many if not most homosexuals are more lustful than those who are not homosexuals. Just imagine if they go to public toilets that uses urinals in men’s toilet? I have seen lots of gays who peep on other guys. Don’t tell me it’s not a form of lust? And that act is definitely a violation of rights. Hmmm…. many homosexual advocates seems to be harmless, but beware, they are lust-hungry. Yes, normal people are lustful, but all the more the homosexuals (Romans 1:26-27).

In the end, I would say that I do respect homosexuals as humans and as persons who have feelings. I don’t mean to hurt any body’s feeling or condemn them. But I guess, this is a lesson that we all have to learn and work on. God sent His only begotten Son for the hope of humanity. Acceptance of Jesus Christ also means turning away from our sinful nature.

Without REPENTANCE means without ACCEPTANCE of Christ. And without acceptance, one is surely going to hell.

I don’t believe that there is a person who was born as homosexual. I do believe that there were some who were born as effeminate but not as homosexuals. So if you are a homosexual, it is time to repent. Time to accept Jesus Christ. Do it, before it’s too late.

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