I Will Exalt You by Hillsong(with chords and lyrics) performed by one of the Hillsong members, Brooke Fraser, from the album Faith + Hope + Love.

This song is about exalting the Lord because He is our hiding place, our safe refuge, treasure, and our friend and King.

I Will Exalt You

by Hillsong

Capo: 4

  G            C
I will  exalt  You
  G            C
I will exalt   You
  G            C
I will exalt   You
    D         G
You are  my   God

My hiding place
My safe refuge
   D/F#                G
My treasure, Lord, You are
My friend and King
Am7 G/B  C
Anointed One
     Em     D
Most ho-o-o-ly

  G                 C
Because You're with me
  G                 C
Because You're with me
  G                 C
Because You're with me
  D            G
I will  not    fear

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