A man in Miss Universe? What? Why would I watch a beauty pageant intended for REAL, AUTHENTIC WOMEN invaded by REAL AUTHENTIC MEN? Silly world! Historical, yes, but it is also one of the worst immoral acts of mankind. With all due respect to transgenders, we respect the rights of each one of you as human beings, but please also respect us as normal human beings. We don’t want “Men” in beauty contests such as Miss Universe and Miss Earth.
You have all the opportunity and rights to create your own beauty pageant. But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, don’t cross the line. Respect our rights that we do not want to applaud men for their beauty. Whatever you say, transgender beauty is NOT NATURAL – it’s artificial, man made.
As a pastor, I think this is crossing the line. It’s too much. I can’t stand watching the news. A Christian will never applaud for this. There’s just too much immorality.
Calling all Christians! Pray pray pray so that you may not fall. It doesn’t mean that because the world loves it, you have to love it too. Stand firm and do what is right. This is our mandate. I know this Miss Universe issue is a small thing among you since not many of you are fan of Miss Universe. But if we do not condone this thing, this will be like allowing sin to crawl in your backyard until such time it gains a hold on you.
Ecclesiastes 12:13 “Fear God and obey His commands for this is the whole duty of man!”
We are neither defaming nor discriminating transgenders. But Miss Universe losses its essence as a competition for “NATURAL BORN WOMEN”. Transgenders ARE NOT NATURAL BORN WOMEN. They are man-made choices. No matter how much you change yourselves, YOU ARE STILL MEN. God made you to be men. God gave you that gift; you just chose to refuse that gift.
So I guess Christians should stand against their right to leave a legacy to their children of valuing authenticity of genders. I know, people will react against this. But if you are a Christian, I encourage you to like this post to tell the world that we want to make this loud and clear, we are pro to righteousness.
Say NO to the sin of homosexuality!
Donald Trump, you made your BIGGEST mistake. Time will come that your Miss Universe will be Miss Gay Universe. And by that time only sinful men will appreciate your beauty contest. You gained applause among the liberals, but you offended people like us.
OK wow! First off, I barely EVER reply to things – I usually read stuff and move on, but I HAVE to comment on this.
First off when I started reading this I had to laugh because you come off hateful RIGHT off the bat. Then as I read on, you reaveal yourself as a pastor? HAHA WOW! Number one, the BIBLE says that women should not wear makeup but you participate in watching a pageant which A) objectifies women and B) exploits a sin – make up wearing? Um, you better check yourself right there. But that’s OK, even pastors do sin from time to time.
Next, you OBVIOUSLY don’t know ANYTHING about transgender/transsexuals – they are women (male to females) but born in the wrong body. Do you know anything about genetics? Um, I’m afraid not. ALL babies yes…. ALL babies start off what’s that? Oh yeah – F E M A L E!. If you are male, yes even you pastor male, YOU started off in your mommies womb – F E M A L E . Want to argue that one? Why do men have nipples? But I digress, I’ll let you Google that one buddy. What happens in the first trimester is the XY chromosome male babies brain is SUPPOSED to get a influx of testosterone to CONVERT that FEMALE brain to MALE. With me so far? Have I lost you? So the female brain remains male and the body grows a normal male body. Thus a transgender person is born: body doesnt match the brain. I wish that was enough right there, but you’ll probably find an argument.
Now, you are probably wondering “Hmm, I bet this Mikayla is a trans person.” Wrong. Actually I was born with Reifensteins Syndrome/P.A.I.S. (Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Grade 2/3 w/disorders of sexual developement DSD). Basically so you can understand, I was born INTERSEXED. Uh oh, that’s weird, that’s taboo, babies can’t be born both genders right? That’s some greek urban legend… No, it’s true. Depending on the TYPE of intersexed issue the results of babies born intersexed can be as little in 1:2000 or 1:500,000.
But I bet in your narrow mind gender is only black and white? See, I used to think that and I am intersexed. As a “BOY”, I looked and acted very effeminite. On purpose? No. When I was 10, I was this skinny outdoor loving little boy then one day, my chest started hurting. next thing I know, I’m getting breasts RIGHT ALONG with my classmates! Man I got beat up all the time and humiliated to the point of suicide. People didn’t know if I was a boy or girl. My body was changing in front of me. Come to find out, When I was born, I had problems with my testes and my ‘male part’ was drastically undersized so my pediatrician put me on testosterone. Funny, I never felt 100% male or female, somewhere in the middle.
How to you know that trans miss universe lady wasn’t born intersexed? People today have NO CLUE about us – the tru intersexed so they slap a “transgender” label on us and blend us in with them. I don’t have anything wrong with them, but they are who they are, and we are who we are. So let me ask you this pastor:
Would it be better if I slit my wrist and died as a “man” or transition to female and well, be happy? My wife went to many doctors in our city and I had all sorts of genetic tests done. Outcome: i am 1 in 99,000. I tried to play the man game, husband game, just kill me. So I went on estrogen and basically fully transitioned to female. I’m no pageant queen, but I was a handsome guy then a pretty female. I am the type of male to female that you hold doors open for, star at, whistle at, your wife slaps you for looking too long at me. Oh yeah, and I live in Redneckville, USA. So honey trust me, I pass WELL. I can swim in a public pool or lake and the boys go “DAMN!” Enough with that. I saw my wife was depressed although she stayed with me. We are BOTH born again Christians. So trust me, the decision to transition wasn’t an easy one. But I did and three years later I was happy with the new me, but I didn’t feel right being in a ‘lesbian relationship”. She didn’t either. So because I love my wife SO much pastor, I transitioned BACK to male – just for her. I went on testosterone shot to help with the process.
But now, back to male, I am depressed again, wanting to commit suicide. The ONLY time I’ve been happy in life is as a female. So what do I do? I gave up being not only a passable female in EVERY way, face, body and voice to a life of misery? We refuse to get divorced, we don’t believe in it.
But before you go slamming trans people and say they have no place in miss universe, think to yourself: That person went through hell mentally and physically to get where she is – treat her as you would a genetic female. The reason you are so belligerent over this is you are probably questioning your manhood because she is beautiful and now you’re wondering if you’re bisexual. yes pastor, us girls who transition CAN be beautiful – we’re not all billy bobs in a dress that you can spot a mile away. Some of us are, pretty.
oh by the way, not only do I attend a wonderful baptist church here in the south, I am a keyboard player in the band. God must really hate me.
I lost my happiness in watching the said event when I heard that it was approved. It’s just so sad that humanity embraces liberality more than morality.
I certainly don’t agree as well. Ms Universe is meant for women only. That would be unfair for those real women to compete with transgenders. I don’t mean no harm to them. But come on, there are respective pageant made for them.