Lesson 2: Five and Five Principle of Witnessing
[Be sure to let them lead as much as possible in all aspects of your worship. Your goal is for them to become leaders. Let them lead! In the 1st section, be sure to include plenty of time for prayer, accountability, singing and fellowship. Continue to remind them to obey God’s word. They will be faithful to do their assignments only if they know YOU will be faithful to check on them. The more strict you can be with them, the greater their obedience will be to the teachings of God’s word. If they haven’t obeyed the accountability from the previous lesson, repeat last week’s lesson instead of going on with the next lesson!!!.]
The items for accountability are:
◊ Did you memorize the verse for this week?
◊ Did you have any doubts this week about your new position in Christ?
◊ Did you share the outline of the Hand Presentation with at least 5 people?
◊ Did you share the last teaching/lesson with 3 people?
Spiritual Emphasis: Every Christian needs to be praying for and witnessing to those around him
Lesson – [Teach the lesson as interesting as possible.]
1. From Acts 10 – The story of Cornelius. Cornelius was a Gentile (non-Jew) soldier for Rome living in Caesarea. God told him to send for Peter. God told Peter to go and visit Cornelius.
2. When Peter arrived at Cornelius’ house, he discovered that he had invited all his “oikos,” his close friends and family.
3. Read John 4:1-29. The woman Jesus met at the well, returned to her neighbors and shared with them about Jesus. They came to Jesus because of her testimony.
4. Read Mark 5:15-20. Jesus didn’t allow the man who had a legion of demons to go with them. Instead he sent him back to his own people.
5. Read 2 Cor. 5:18-20. Christ has reconciled us, and have given us the same responsibility, that of being his ambassador to tell others.
6. Read John 16:8. The Holy Spirit is the one who convicts of sin, not us. We are responsible to tell. He brings conviction.
7. Some people are ready to hear your testimony, to hear about God. This is your testimony and witness. Keep a list of 5 people like this on your right hand.
8. Some people are NOT ready to listen yet. All you can do is pray for God to make them ready. Keep a list of 5 people like this always on your left hand.
Have them practice the lesson, then…
Verse to Memorize: “All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” 2 Cor. 5:18
How To Obey:
◊ Learn and practice your basic testimony:
a) your life before you became a Christian,
b) how you became a Christian, and
c) your life now since you have become a Christian.
◊ List all your oikos (family and friends – those close to you.)
◊ Pick 5 that would not be ready to listen to a witness from you. Pray for God to make them ready.
◊ Pick 5 people that would be ready to listen to a witness from you. Pray for them and prepare to share your testimony with them.
◊ Go visit them or schedule a time when you will talk to them.
Prayer – Pray for needs in group and ask for God to confirm His message in their lives through Spirit’s witness.