Lesson 5:  Two Natures

Be sure to let them lead as much as possible in all aspects of your worship. Continue to encourage them to be obedient and to do their assignments.  The more strict you can be with them, the more they will be strict with their disciples.

The items for accountability are:

Did you read your Bible at least 5 min/day?
Did you listen for God to speak during QT?  Have them show journal or share 1 insight from their reading and their obedience to what God showed them.
Did you share the Hand Presentation with at least 3 people?  Tell me their names?
Did you share the last teaching/lesson with 5 people?  Tell me their names.
Spiritual Emphasis: There is an old nature and a new nature at battle in our lives.

Lesson –

Read 2 Cor. 5:17. Since we have become a Christian, we have received a new nature.

Read Rom. 7:15-25. But even after we have this new nature, we often have a problem with the old nature that is still present with us.

That is why Paul urges us to not obey/to not give in to the old nature. This is sometimes called the “old man, self, or flesh.”  Read Eph. 4:20-24.

Read Gal. 5:16 – 25. It is our responsibility to walk or live our lives in accordance with the Spirit.  Then we shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh (Or “Lower nature,”)

Read also Col. 3:9-10. Paul here uses imagery of putting off old dirty clothes and putting on new clothes to show our responsibility in staying “in tune” with God and obeying the new nature rather than the old. If your clothes get dirty, what do you do?  (You change clothes.)

Read Rom. 6:6-11.  Sometimes it’s just a matter of just “considering,” or “counting” yourself dead to sin and alive to God.  Read v. 12-14.  Sometimes it’s a matter of NOT presenting or giving in to yourself in order to not obey your old self.

We must realize that this battle or decision will be with us every day of our lives.  This is the process we spoke of last time, the becoming free from the power of sin.  This is that battle we face everyday.

As we learn to hear God speak to us through the Bible, through our prayers, through other Christians and even through circumstances, we will know what He wants us to do or to not do.  Then we will have to exercise our will power and obey Him.

You know if you do something you should not do, that it is a sin, right?  (Yes.)  Read James 4:17. In the same way, if you know something you should do and don’t do it, that is a sin, too. Right?  (Yes.)

Read Rom. 6:15. Shall we continue in sin?  (No. God forbid.)

11.    Read 1 Cor. 10:13.  God is faithful.  Will He allow any temptation to come to us that will be more than what we can handle?  (No)

Do you understand this lesson?  Are there any questions?

Have them practice the lesson.

Verse to Memorize: “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”    1Cor.10:13

How to Obey: Similar to last meeting, help new believers to get rid of old habits and sins of unrighteousness.  Have them make a list of things they used to do that they are now ashamed of.  Then, without looking at any specific things on their list, have a brief ceremony and let each person burn his list and bury or destroy the ashes.

[NOTE:  BREAKING IDOLS – Prior to baptism of new believers, it is important for them to remove all items that were involved in worshiping idols or images.  Help them search and remove all the things in and around their homes that were involved in worshiping idols and then pray over their house in the name of Jesus.  If they don’t do this, they will not be completely obeying God’s word.  The story of Gideon breaking the idols of his home and village in order to follow the Lord can be helpful here.  Though he was afraid, he obeyed God.  Judges 6:7-32]

Regular Assignment:

Read your Bible at least 5 min/day.
Listen for God to speak to you during your QT.  Write any special insights He shows you and especially write how you obeyed this insight.
Share the Hand Presentation 5 x with people this week.  List their names.
Share this lesson 3 x with different people this week.  List the names of the ones you share with.

Prayer – Pray for needs in group and ask for God to confirm His message in their lives through Spirit’s witness.

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