“And in that Day shall the deaf hear the words of the Book and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity and out of darkness. The meek also shall increase their joy in the Lord and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.”
Isaiah 29:18-19
It’ll be more wonderful than we could ever imagine or express (I Cor. 2:9).
Try to imagine how it’d be if you were blind, deaf and mute. Your eyes are sightless. You cannot see the light of day. . .the beautiful crimson hue of a dew-laden rose. . .the wonderful sight of a majestic eagle in flight high up in the sky and its beautiful, blue, canopy background . . .the twinkling stars at night, accompanied by the golden glow of a harvest moon. . .or your own child’s face looking into your eyes.
Or, imagine yourself deaf. You’ve never heard a bird sweetly singing in the morning on an overhead limb or a dove cooing at day’s last light. No sweet melodies of music have ever been heard in your unhearing ears; neither have you ever heard the tender voice of your loving mother or calm, reassuring words of your loving father.
And, imagine how it’d be if your voice were silent. No sound has ever escaped from your lips, no matter how hard you try to form the words and utter them. Your tongue and vocal cords lie silent, even though a symphony of sound yearns to be freed from your inward prison.
How we take these things for granted!
But, on that Day. . .that wonderful Day when our Jesus we shall see. . .the blind eye shall be open. . .the deaf ear shall be unstopped. . .and the motionless mouth shall erupt in singing, thanksgiving and praise.
Suddenly, the blind person will be running here-and-there, from flower-to-flower, drinking in their rich colors with his eyes. The deaf person will be jumping up and down with glee, pointing to the nearby bird that’s singing, crying “Did you hear that? Did you hear that?!?” And, the mute person will be shouting and singing, louder than all of the angels combined, as he leads them in the Doxology and Hallelujah Chorus.
But, all of them. . .and us. . .will bow down at the Master’s Feet.
Hot tears of gratitude and joy will stream down our faces as we cry in humble awe, “Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. You are worthy of all Glory, Praise and Thanksgiving.”
Yes, what a wonderful Day that will be. Those whose Pilgrimage on earth was filled with great suffering and sorrow will now be filled with great joy. Those who never owned much of earth’s goods will now be amazed at all He’s prepared for them and, like a child in a candy store, they’ll be saying, “All for me?” And, He’ll smile and say, “Yes, all for you.” Glory!!
Are you ready, Pilgrim?
Are you ready for that glorious Day when your Savior and Lord finally appears and takes you Home to live with Him forever and ever and ever? Are you looking forward to that day of the “Great No Mores” (Rev. 21:4)? It’ll be greater than our wildest dreams. Hallelujah!!
By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated October 24, 2009