“Behold, He comes with clouds—and every eye shall see Him and they also who pierced Him.  And, all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him.  Even so, Amen.”

Revelation 1:7

It’s not a matter of “if;” it’s a matter of “when.”

Dear Pilgrim, did you awaken this morning asking yourself “Could today be the Day?  Could today be the Day when the Trumpet sounds and the eastern skies’ clouds suddenly blaze with the Glory of the Lamb of God as He returns for His own?”

If not, maybe you should—for it’s not long now, weary one.

It’s not long now.  Hallelujah!!

Too often we read the angels’ words in Acts 1:9-11 with a ho-hum attitude, muttering something like “Won’t that be wonderful?” in a miserable monotone as we continue reading the morning headlines or watching the early news before heading out the door for work.

But, what would happen if we laid aside those temporal sources of “doom, despair and agony on me” and instead focused on the words “Behold He comes with clouds” to start the day?  What changes would this make in our attitude and expectations?

Why, it’d make all the difference!  Glory!!

Yes, dear struggling Saint, one of these days “Jesus Christ, God’s Faithful Witness and the First Begotten of the dead and the Prince of the kings of the earth, Who loved us and washed us from or sins in His own Blood” (Rev. 1:5) is going to “come with the clouds.”  And, when He does, “every eye shall see Him.”

How will this happen?

No one knows; however, most likely, news cameras all over the world will suddenly be capturing the Event simultaneously.  Newscasters will suddenly give a startled look and say “We interrupt this regularly-scheduled broadcast for this late-breaking news:  Something ‘unusual’ has just taken place.  Eye-witness reports say there was this loud, blaring sound—that sounded like a shrill trumpet—that filled the sky and suddenly the whole sky was ablaze with this unusually bright Light.  And. . .

“What’s that?  Are you sure?  Our on-scene reporters have just said hundreds, yea, thousands, of folks have suddenly just vanished into thin air.  In fact, from our live feed you can see that our own _______________ has also vanished!  Folks, I don’t know what’s going on, but we’re going to call in our panel of experts to try and make heads-or-tails of this.”

Yes, they won’t understand, will they?

But, we, who are the Redeemed, will know.  And, those who are left behind will begin to “wail because of Him” as they realize too little, too late they’d rejected the One “Whom they pierced” and the Day of His Mercy and Grace is now past.  May the Heavenly Father help us today to tell others “Behold, He’s coming with the clouds” and then tell them how they, too, can be ready to meet Him.  Truly, the time is short.  Be faithful, Pilgrim.

By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated September 26, 2010

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