It has been almost a week that I have been a little silent. It all started last week when I attended the 17th Associational Meeting of Leyte Association of Southern Baptist Churches.

The meeting has a theme: “Steadfastness For A Better Harvest” taken from the key verse Galatians 6:9. Since Ptr. Joe Ytom was not able to come due to health reason, the  meeting was still blessed by equally powerful speaker, Ptr. Joe Fernandez.

The meeting’s lectures were about worship leading lead by Cainta Baptist Church worship team and Preaching Lessons taught by yours truly.

Worship Leading Training

Worship Leading Training

Preaching Training

Preaching Training

About 70-80 people attended the meeting and it was indeed a great blessing to each one of us. God’s message centered about the “Bountiful Harvest” in the Lord. Ptr. Joe talked about harvest season. By quoting the incident where Jesus ask water from a Samaritan woman, Ptr. Joe explained that the Samaritan woman have become the harvest, and immediately became a harvester where she went to her relatives and told them about Jesus Christ.

Ptr. Joe Fernandez

Ptr. Joe Fernandez

During the Worship

During the Worship

Yours truly shared about the simple procedure about preaching. The lecture is about two main things, sermon making and preaching. To summarize the four main process of sermon preparation, just remember PROW

  • P-ray
  • R-ead
  • O-bserve
  • W-rite

About preaching, I talked about the propriety of preaching and all about preparation before you preach.

If you are interested about preaching, please see my posts starting here: Lesson1: Introduction to Preaching.

LASBC also have chosen new set of officers. Here’s the list of officers for the year 2009-2010.

  • President – Ptr. Vincent Olaer
  • Vice President – Alex Ang
  • Secretary – Ptr. Gerardo Lamberte
  • Treasurer – Rebecca Malaki
  • Auditor – Ptr. Dennis Armada
  • PIO’s
  • Ormoc – Ptr. Rudy Laag
  • Palompon – Ptr. Lucrecio Agrade
  • Baybay – Ptr. Ruben Gonzaga
  • Tacloban – Ptr. Asiseo
  • Hinunangan – Ptr. Jualo
  • Youth President – Nolie Calising
  • Camp Ground Director – Ptr. Eli Salinas

Induction of Officers

Below are some pictures taken from the event.

The Meetings Banner

The Meeting's Banner

Kuya Emer Leading

Kuya Emer Leading

The Fernandez Couple Offered a Song

The Fernandez Couple Offered a Song

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