“And He said unto me, ‘Son of Man, can these bones live (again)?’ And, I answered, ‘O Lord, You know’.”
Ezekiel 37:3
If there’s ever been a Message of Hope that we desperately need to hear, it’s this one.
“Son of Man, can these bones live again?”
In the context of today’s Manna we know this reference to “Son of Man” means Ezekiel, although that’s Jesus’ favorite title for Himself in Luke’s Gospel. But, how appropriate the prophet, who’d been whisked away to this “Valley of Dry Bones” in a vision (v.1a), would be called in the same way—for it’s a beautiful picture of the Coming Christ’s ability to “save to the uttermost those who come to God by Him” (Heb. 7:25).
Although we don’t know where the valley was. . .what army was decimated there. . .or how many died there. . .it’s safe in assuming the Lord’s referring to the Jews, languishing in despair in Babylonian captivity. For 70 years they felt the sting of their captor’s oppression and the guilt of their past transgressions. And, during that time they felt like “very dry, brittle, bleached-out bones in death valley” (v.2) as their hopes of ever returning home dried up within them.
Such still happens today, doesn’t it?
Assuredly so.
We start out with “the world on a string” and the proverbial “tiger by the tail.” But, soon we’re dashed against the hard rocks of reality: An unexpected divorce. The dreaded “C” word. The sudden death of a loved one, without our getting to even say “Goodbye.” A downturn in the economy. . .a call from the boss. . .a pink slip and pat on the back, etc.
Our whole world has crashed in upon us.
And, into that dismal, desperate situation today’s Manna comes: “Son of Man, can these bones live again?”
At first, we may be optimistic—filled with vim, vigor and much positive thinking: “Yes, Lord! They can live again!”
But, soon the words of “Sorry, no openings” or “You’re over-qualified” slap us up side the face. Soon we feel like those dry, brittle, bleached-out bones in Death Valley as the whole hosts of hell howl, “No hope for you. No hope for you.”
That’s why we must stop, “cast down imaginations and anything that hides God’s Face from us by capturing every thought and bringing it into the obedience of Christ” (II Cor. 10:5). Then, we must hear the Master asking again, “Weary one, can these bones live again?” And, to that we must reply as Ezekiel did, “Lord, only You know. I hope so. But, it’s beyond me. And, if they’re to live again, it’ll require you to do it—for I’ve run out of options, resources and hope.”
“Good,” He replies.
“I was hoping you’d say that. Now, follow My lead and do what I say—for I specialize in New Beginnings (Jer. 18:1-6; Joel 2:25-26; II Cor. 5:17). Together we’ll start life all over again—and it’ll be beautiful (Jer. 29:11; Ps. 139). Trust Me.”
By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated February 2, 2010