“Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me: For I am meek and lowly in heart—and you shall find rest unto your souls.”

Matthew 11:29

In Christ the “Secret Formula of Serenity” is M+L=R.

Meek and lowly in heart.”

This is the way Jesus described Himself—this One Who could calm the winds and the waves by speaking. . .make the blind to see. . .the deaf to ear. . .raise the dead. . .and drive the moneychangers out of the Temple in righteous indignation.

Yet, He said the way to true, inward peace is by being “meek and lowly in heart.” Certainly doesn’t fit our picture of one who “speaks with power and authority” (Lk. 4:32, 36), does it? Not hardly—for such a person usually has an “air of authority” about them, standing erect and commanding respect by their very persona.

But, not Jesus.

Not this One Who chose to enter Jerusalem by riding on the back of a braying burro’s offspring.

He certainly didn’t fit the stereotype of “greatness” or one who’s a “shaker and maker of men.”

“Meek and lowly in heart.”

Sounds more like a description of a beggar on a street corner with an outstretched cup. Or, the wash woman with her bucket and mop cleaning the floors after hours in a high-rise office building. Or, the soft-spoken co-worker who’s often the butt of others’ jokes around the water cooler during a break.

Yet, that didn’t bother Jesus—for He knew entrance into the Kingdom is not by the sword or confidence in one’s abilities.

It’s only in total dependency upon the Heavenly Father.

That’s why Christ’s strongest words of condemnation were for the scribes and Pharisees—the religious gurus of His day. Even in His hometown of Nazareth they wanted to kill Him when His words didn’t meet their expectations (Lk. 4:16-30). And, in case you hadn’t realized it or not, their tribe is still with us today.

Critical attitudes. Sharp tongues. Volcanic tempers. Intimidators. Manipulators. Always finding faults with what others’ say and do.

They’ll never “find rest unto their souls.” And, it seems they’ll try to do everything they can to keep others from doing so as well.

But, don’t worry, Pilgrim, In Christ you can stay “calm, cool and collected” within, in spite of what’s happening without, if you’ll simply follow the Formula: “Meek + Lowly = Rest.” If you want to know Christ—really, really know Him—follow His lead today in every situation, especially when others are wanting to upset you by their hateful words and deeds.

By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated May 11, 2010

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