My God by Hillsong (with chords and lyrics) performed by Marty Sampson of Hillsong. A song about His faithful love for us which is always there. It is the greatest love the we ever know and it is all given to us.

My God

by Hillsong

Your faithful love 
      C           G         A
has always been there for me
              F         C           G
The greatest love that i have ever known
            F          C
What can i give to you
                G        A
For all You've given to me
You gave it all
     C            G
And You are all i need

           G    A
You are my king, 
You are my God
           G    A
Praises I bring
Come from my heart

This is for You
                G        F
For all You've done for me
and I wanted to show You 
     G        F
How much You mean 
    A  G   
My God,
my God

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