None But Jesus by Hillsong(with chords and lyrics) from the album Mighty to Save. This song is about our God who can never be replaced and was crucified to set us all free from sins.

None But Jesus

by Hillsong

Intro: G

Verse 1:

In the quiet

In the stillness 

     Am              D
I know that You are God 

In the secret, 

Of Your presence
    Am              D
I know there I am restored

Am    C    G      C      D     
When You call I won't refuse 

Am    C   G     C          D
Each new day again I'll choose


Em7              C    G   D    
There is no one else for me

None but Jesus

Em7           C   G   D                                    
Crucified to set me free
now I live to bring Him praise

Verse 2:

In the chaos

In confusion 

     Am                   D
I know You're sovereign still

In the moment 

Of my weakness

       Am              D
You give me grace to do Your will

   Am    C   G       C      D
So when You call I won't delay

Am   C   G            C      D
This my song through all my days


Em7              C    G   D    
There is no one else for me

None but Jesus

Em7           C   G   D                                    
Crucified to set me free

now I live to bring Him praise

Em7 C G D 


Em7       C        G      D
All my delight is in You Lord

All of my hope

All of my strength

Em7       C        G      D
All my delight is in You Lord

Forever more

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