Ormoc Lighthouse Christian Ministry celebrates its 10th Anniversary on June 14, 2009. It was one of the major gatherings and perhaps the biggest gathering of the Lighthouse Ministries for the past 5 years.

All of the Lighthouse outreaches in Ormoc attended this great celebration with their respective pastors. Rev. Tom Smith was the guest speaker of the celebration. Ptr. Cleto Bacarro who was the first official pastor of the Lighthouse is also present which made it a great reunion for all Lighthouse pastors and workers.

Grace Leading the Worship Service

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On The Program
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Rev. Tom Smith Presenting Gifts For the Lighthouse
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After the worship service, we had a nice motorcade parade around the city. We gave some pamphlets with candies to the people that we passed by and wave our hands to people we know. Many of us wear our official t-shirt of the year with a pride (godly pride that Paul mentioned) that we are the “Ormoc Lighthouse Christian Ministry”

After the motorcade, here comes the lunch. We have 3 “Lechon Baboy” (roasted pig), delicacies from different churches and a prepared pack lunch from the Lighthouse were also given to each person. Eating together was good and everybody enjoyed the fellowship.

Ptr. Vince Olaer, Ordained

After lunch, Ptr. Vince and Grace were called to sit on stage to begin the ceremony for ordination. Ormoc Lighthouse Christian Ministry servant leaders moved and passed a letter of request to the Office of the President of the Visayas Convention of Southern Baptist Churches that pastor Vince be ordained.

The Ordaining Council
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The Laying of Hands
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Ptr. Vince and Grace with OLCM Council
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The ordinating committee asked several questions concerning Ptr. Vince’s views of his support to the convention and the association, his call to the ministry, his greatest joy and disappointments as a pastor, and what drives him to be a pastor.

Rev. Tom Smith quoted the pastoral charge in 2 Timothy 2, one of the best Biblical pastoral charges.

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