“Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer—for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me.”
Acts 27:25
Even in troubled seas, when Christ is our Captain and His Promises are our Anchor (Heb. 2:10; 6:18-19), we will not fear, regardless of what’s happening around us.
“Steady as she goes.”
Those are the calm words of a ship’s captain when sailing on the open sea. The water’s calm . . .a gentle breeze is blowing. . .the sun’s shining, its rays shimmering on the sea. . .seagulls are flying overhead, their white bodies standing out in stark contrast to the deep, blue skies overhead.
An idyllic scene to be sure.
But, soon, calm seas and “soft, south winds” (v.13) have a way of luring us away from safe havens out into the open deep. And, soon those soothing winds turn tempestuous, driving us at breakneck speeds toward what seems to be impending doom and destruction (vv.14, 17-20, 27-29).
Yet, Paul was not afraid.
Even though he’d advised them to not set sail (vv.9-10), the ship owner’s greed for gain overruled him (v.11). So, set sail they did. And, before long they’d be wishing they hadn’t.
Sometimes we suffer because of others’ ill-advised decisions. Like Joshua and Caleb, we have to endure long, “wilderness wanderings” because of others’ sinful rebellion and unbelief (Num. 13:30-14:10, 20-35).
But, they didn’t die there (Num. 14:38).
And, neither shall we when God has given His Word on it. Hallelujah!!
Oh, dear Pilgrim, as the song says “Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to take Him at His Word. Just to rest upon His Promise, Just to know thus saith the Lord.” That’s why Paul wasn’t worried in the storm—and neither should we be. That’s why he was unfazed when the poisonous viper latched onto him as he gathered wood for the fire, pumping its venom into his hand (Acts 28:3).
He knew the Lord had told him he’d appear before Caesar—and not even some demon-snake from hell would prevent him from getting there. Glory!! Never forget, O child of God, that nothing can happen to you that has not first passed through the nail-scarred Hands of your dear Savior. He Who watches over you “slumbers not, neither does He sleep” (Ps. 121:4-5) and always knows where you are and what you need (Ps. 139:1-10; Phil. 4:19).
Therefore, do not fear.
Our sparrow-watching, hair-counting, tear-catching God will take care of you (Mt. 6:26-30; 10:29-31; Ps. 56:8—KJV). He cannot/will not lie or ever cause you to believe He is untrustworthy (Heb. 6:18; James 1:17). In your hour of need, He will be there and give you what you need when you need it (Ps. 23:1; Phil. 4:19). Trust Him.
By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated August 8, 2010