“. . .no man comes unto the Father, but by Me.”
John 14:6d
The invitation is unconditional, but the entrance is conditional.
His words in today’s Manna were pretty audacious to say the least, even by the standards of His day. In fact, they were downright offensive both then and now; yet, such is always the way when we’re confronted with the two-edged Sword of Truth (Heb. 4:12).
Assuredly, down through the centuries there have been others who’ve said “I’ve found it” or “We’ve got the corner market on God. Come over to our side and live in the truth; don’t settle for some counterfeit substitute from those who don’t know what they’re talking about.”
And, the beat goes on and on and on.
It seems that another religion, sect, cult, ideology, etc., is born every day. Everyone’s an expert. And, everyone’s found “The Answer.”
That’s why Jesus’ claim to be “The Way, The Truth and The Life” are so offensive and obtrusive. . .so politically incorrect. . .so exclusive. . .so “in your face.”
And that’s why so many (particularly nowadays) get red in the face and want to argue—or say “Whatever,” shrug their shoulders and walk on by, spending their lives without purpose and without hope (Eph. 2:12).
“But is there only one way to God?” a serious seeker asks.
“Did Jesus really mean ‘No one can come unto the Father except by/through Him’?”
Yes, that’s exactly what He meant.
But, then, the Gate is narrow by Design (Mt. 7:13-14).
That way there’d be no mistaking it. . .even though there are those who still think they can climb over the Wall and enter in however/whenever they so choose (Jn. 10:1). Are they ever in for a rude awakening unless they repent and believe (Ps. 73:17-20)!
That’s why we must be inclusive in our invitation and exclusive in our declaration. “Whosoever will may come” (Rom. 10:9-10, 13); but only those who trust in Christ as “The Only Way” will enter in.
So, how goes it, Pilgrim?
Are you struggling in your walk of faith, perplexed and confused by the many purveyors of “truth”? If so, come to Christ and trust in Him alone. With there being only One Way, the guesswork is taken out of it. Just walk in The Way, live in The Truth and you’ll experience The Life. The Christ-Life. Life as it was meant to be lived.
And, in the process you’ll understand why Jesus said He’s the “ONLY Way, the ONLY Truth and ONLY Life that leads to the Father.” Knowing Him is knowing the Father. And, oh how sweet it is.
By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated December 11, 2009