“. . .for He has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you’.”
Hebrews 13:5b
If there was ever a time we need to know (and believe) this, it’s now.
How goes it today, Pilgrim?
Seriously, how are you doing? Are you sleeping okay at night? Or, do you find it hard to rest because your mind won’t shut down? Are you burdened over family issues. . .financial problems . . .the condition of the world, your church, others’ inconsideration. . .past sins, etc.?
If so, this Manna’s for you.
Why not pull up a chair and sit a while? Pour yourself another cup of coffee and chew the cud on these words for a few minutes: “. . .for He has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you’.”
Who’s the “He” here?
We know, don’t we?
Yep—our “sparrow-watchin’, hair-countin’, tear-catchin’ God.” The same One Who flung the sun, moon and stars into outer space by speaking. . .scooped out the ocean beds and lakes with hollow of His Hand. . .carved the mountain ranges out of granite. . .and taught the birds to fly and the fish to swim.
And, He wasn’t satisfied with our trying to get to know Him through just some physical evidences. Instead, He said “I’ll go visit them in a most unusual way to let them know how much I love them.”
So, He sent Jesus—His one-of-a-kind Son.
His “I never did anything wrong” Son. His “falsely accused and severely abused” Son. His “let’s get rid of Him by nailing Him to a Cross” Son. His “I only wanted to show you how much I loved you” Son.
But, thank God, in spite of it all that same Son rose up from the dead three days later. Death couldn’t kill Him and the grave couldn’t hold Him. From that cold, hard slab He arose and emerged never to die again. And, with Him arose blessed Hope and Assurance.
That’s why today’s Manna is such a precious One.
Isn’t it comforting to know there’s Someone Who’ll “never leave you nor forsake you”—especially in this day-and-age of “It’s all about me?”?
Assuredly it is.
Why not spend a few minutes right now letting Jesus love on you? Why not let Him put His loving arms around you and pull you close to His side as you hear Him whisper, “Don’t worry; I’m not going anywhere. Others may fail you—but I never will. Others may forsake you—but I never will. Others may tell you they love you, but then treat you like a dog—but I never will. I’m here—and I’m here to stay. So, rest in me, weary one. Everything’s going to be okay.”
By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated November 6, 2009