“For this God is our God forever and ever; He will be our Guide even unto death.”

Psalm 48:15

Such helter-skelter lives we live,

With pressures and deadlines;

It seems the harder we try to get ahead

That we only fall farther and farther behind.

So many demands for this-and-that:

Places to go and people to see—

That soon we’re tempted to throw up our hands,

Crying “Can’t they see what this is doing to me?!?”

Just when it seems we can’t go on

Because of weariness of soul,

That the Holy Spirit quietly draws so near,

With words that comfort and console:

“Dear child, you’re much too busy

In all you’re trying to do;

It seems you’re trying to do it all by yourself—

And that’s why you never seem to get through.

“Perhaps you need to stop a while

And get some much-needed rest;

Be still and remember Who the Lord God is

And how He offers to us His Best.

“By seeking His Face in the early morn,

He’ll guide you through the day;

Although there’ll still be problems that will arise,

He’ll sustain you even in the midst of the fray.

“The key is silence and seeking

And surrendering to His gracious Hand;

Only then can you rest in His loving care,

Knowing He’s there and will always understand.

“So, trust Him to guide you through the day

And then to sustain you while sleeping at night;

That way you’ll always rest in His sufficient Grace

As you’re led by His Love and omniscient sight.”

–Tom Smith

Morning Manna December 1, 2010

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