“. . .for I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no more.”

Jeremiah 31:34c

If He keeps no record of them (Ps. 32:1-2; 102:11-12), why do we?

Grace and forgiveness.

We speak much of them if we’re a Pilgrim of the Way, but the question is “Do we really understand what they are?” and “Are we resting in them?”

When asked the definition of Grace, the average church member will say “The unmerited favor of God.”  Sounds good, but what is that?

“Well,” the somewhat flustered person said, “It’s God’s love that is undeserved and can’t be earned.”

Now we’re getting somewhere.

But, the question now is “How do you know if you’ve received it and are experiencing it?”

“Oh give me a break!” the increasingly agitated individual says.  “What is this?  Twenty questions?!?”

No, it’s not that at all.

It’s simply an attempt to see if we really understand and experience today’s Manna in a real and personal way.  Theological definitions are well-and-good for Bible courses or seminary classes.  But, in “the real world”. . .at the local café or supermarket. . .where someone who’s just been through a nasty divorce is just trying to survive. . .or a new convert is constantly assailed in the courtroom of his conscience by the devil, the “prosecuting attorney of the soul” (Rev. 12:9-10). . .it’s crucial that we live in the refreshing reality of Grace and are then able to help others do so as well.

God’s words to Jeremiah in today’s Manna were revolutionary words set in the context of a New Covenant (vv.31-34).  The weep prophet’s countrymen were suffering because of their sins and God’s Judgment.  And, we should never feel ill toward God when we do, for we’re simply getting what we deserve; yet, into that dismal, despairing environment there came a word of Hope.

And, part of that Word of Hope—then and now—is of God’s Forgiveness and Forgetfulness.

We know God is omniscient and knows everything about us from the womb to the tomb.  He knows everything we’ve ever thought, said or done and even those things we’ve yet to think, say or do.  But, this same God in His Great Grace (getting what we don’t deserve) and Mercy (not getting what we do deserve) has chosen to “forgive our iniquity (Heb. ‘avon’—‘fault, perversity, mischief, immorality, crookedness, wickedness, etc.’) and sin and remember them no more.”

Think of it, Pilgrim:

This same God Who’s promised never to forget us (Is. 49:15-16) has willfully, intentionally chosen to “forgive our sins of commission and omission and forget all about them” WHEN we come to Him in repentance and faith through the Lord Jesus Christ.  His Blood “cleanses our conscience” (Heb. 9:14) and “washes us white as snow” (Is. 1:18).  Why not spend a few minutes right now rejoicing in this Blessed Assurance?  Hallelujah!!!

By Tom Smith, Morning Manna Dated September 24, 2009

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