“Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My Name.”
Psalm 91:14
When He’s our “Magnificent Obsession,” we need not wonder or worry what His response to us will be.
Often called “The Soldier’s Psalm,” Ps. 91 has been the source of great consolidation to all those who’ve gone into harm’s way in the defense of their nation. Verses 1-13 particularly encourage those who are dodging bombs and bullets, although seeking to use them as some type of good luck charm or talisman is both foolish and futile. Never forget that the devil himself even used vv.11-12 when he tempted the Lord Jesus in the wilderness (Mt. 4:5-7).
Truly, God’s Word is never “rightly divided” (II Tim. 2:15) when misquoted or misused for personal purposes. It’s only when we view it as His inspired Instructions—yea, His Love Letter—for our lives that we come under His rightful authority and render righteous respect unto Him and His Word.
And, only those who remember this know what it means to “dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (v.1). Likewise, only those who know the Lord can “say of the Lord: He is my Refuge and my Fortress—my God; in Him will I trust” (v.2).
That’s why the trusting child of God can quote vv.4-13 with confidence, for his faith and trust aren’t dependent upon results or expecting of some special immunity from trouble. Instead, like the three Hebrew children in Dan. 3:1-25, he/she is confident that God will deliver either from the fire or in the fire (vv.13-18). And, there’s never a doubt that there’ll always be a “Fourth One there in the fire with us like unto the Son of God” (v.25). Hallelujah!!
How can we arrive at such confident assurance, Pilgrim?
By simply “setting our love upon the Lord.” The Hebrew word “chashaq” is used here for “set” and also means “to cling to, love or delight in, have a longing for, etc.” Thus, it’s an intentional “fixation of heart” that is steadfast and never gives in to doubt or discouragement.
Should we then be surprised that God “will deliver us and set us on high with Him” during our hour of need (Eph. 2:1-10)? No, not at all—for “we know His Name” and we know His first Name is Faithful and His last Name is Love. Glory!!
Truly, only those who know the Lord—really, really know Him (Phil. 3:10)—know He’ll “answer when we call. . .be with us in trouble. . .and deliver us in our hour of need” (Ps. 91:15). And, neither should we be surprised that one of faith’s fringe benefits is His “satisfying (Heb. ‘saba’—‘to satiate, fill to completion, be sufficient, be full of, etc.’) us with long life as He shows us His salvation” (v.16). This doesn’t necessarily mean a “fullness of days” (longevity); but, it does mean a “fullness of soul,” which comes when we’re filled with Jesus and His Love for us. Amen and amen.
By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated September 23, 2010